Thanks for the feedback everyone!
Answering the questions...
The cross is part of the kit; not scratchbuilt.
The shield is made of .030 sheet plastic. I think, in hindsight, what is making it appear too thick is the square edge. I think rounding the edges (leather wrapping around the edge and tacked on the back) would give the impression of a thinner edge. Something to remember next time.
There are highlights, shadows, and some dust and dirt effects on the shoes, pants, and tunic, but I think the lights are washing them out. I think this is also giving the impression of a slight sheen on the tunic cloth. It's actually matte; there is no varnish.
I used Andrea Gun Metal for the chain mail and shield boss. The axe head and helmet are the buffed metal of the kit. All get a black and/or black-brown wash. You can see some of the light glare on the axe head.
I think I'll try a diffuser over the lights in the future. This is why stage make-up tends to be somewhat garish; the lights tend to wash things out. I tend to paint for the eye, not the camera. Might have to rethink that a bit.
Using translator software:
Bonjour Frederic ! Comme j'ai énoncé en haut, j'ai peint la figure pour représenter un Viking au début de la saison de pillage. Son habillement et équipement sont nouveaux ou relativement propres et dans la bonne réparation. Une grande partie de la nuance, d'accentuer, et de la petite poussière et des effets de saleté sont effacés dans l'appareil-photo lights. I voudrait faire la même figure, mais à la fin de la saison de pillage avec l'équipement endommagé, déchiré, et fané et l'habillement. Je pense qu'il ferait un contrast.
And now, back to our regularly scheduled figure, which is already in progress...