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Attached you should find my latest painting job. It’s a version of Krasinski, a le Cimier kit sculpted by Bruno Leibovitz many years ago.
I choosed a different version from the proposed white and Crimson, version found in a Rigo plate. This version is based on the original Kurtha existing in the Varsovie Museum
Painting was done almost completely in acrylics. Also metallics and lace were painted using a mix of silver, white and black.
I hope you could enjoy the figure, some details has to be corrected.
Ciaoo Ivo
Attached you should find my latest painting job. It’s a version of Krasinski, a le Cimier kit sculpted by Bruno Leibovitz many years ago.
I choosed a different version from the proposed white and Crimson, version found in a Rigo plate. This version is based on the original Kurtha existing in the Varsovie Museum
Painting was done almost completely in acrylics. Also metallics and lace were painted using a mix of silver, white and black.
I hope you could enjoy the figure, some details has to be corrected.
Ciaoo Ivo