W.I.P. Celt Warrior III-II Century BC


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Cheers, dudes.

It was difficult to come up with a pattern for this period of celt. I did paint a very intricate pattern on his skirt but it ended up lookin' too much like tartan, or even worse - a goddamn tablecloth. It didn't look right in the context of this figure, 'cos he looks more like someone from the La Tene or Halstatt period.
Anyway, I settled on somethin' simpler and more sensible.



Here is the tablecloth:

another great step mister Paul ;)
Beautiful paint and fast advance

( About my dio a snail will work faster than me these lasts weeks !!!)
Here is some more progress with this. I have actually lost interest with this figure on a couple of occasions, I think i'm sufferin' some burnout! Havin' said that though, i'm itchin' to get the flesh painted in on this.
I hope you guys like it, if ya' don't jus' yell.

Thanks, Jeff.

I now have the flesh done. Its jus' the spear and the shield left, obviously. For the shield i'll use a decal manufacturers sheet as reference, below.


Very nice indeed Paul. You've been buy while I've been away at sea.
I think I might have a go at undercoating/priming with black, looks interesting.
Leaving the flesh areas 'til later is different too, do you have any particular reason for this?

Thanks, Roger.

Regardin' the flesh tones, well that is somethin' I have subconsciously been doin' ever since I started paintin' figures on and off from 20 years ago. I think its 'cos I regard doin' the fleshtones last as the final crownin' glory.

How are you doin' up there in Yorkshire, I hope you haven't suffered the same result as many other people.

Regards, Paul.

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