Thank you for sharing this figure. The work you are doing is clearly painstaking but absolutely worth the effort. It's going to be spectacular. Appreciate you sharing your methods for creating the details. I'll give it a try.
I have finished the leopard skin. The casting will be a really hard job, so I have separeted the skin (the original Hungarian name was: kacagány = English fonetic: katsagan) for two parts. And I had to replace holes and gapes also for the better casting. In the next steps I will make the flag (standard), scabbard, and the small decorations. Because the important parts are ready, I can show fullbody picts.
I'm very happy that they like it. I enjoy this sculpting progress, but this process is very long yet. I'm looking forward to see it finished as soon as posible.
I work on the flag, small things are missing yet. I have tried make a small cross and a Cristus head, but I didn't manage to do the head. I will cut it, and make a better, or not. I dont know yet, this isn't important ornametic. On the flag you can see the arms of Prince Gábor Bethlen (A site). About the B side we haven't info. So I look after the Standard forms from this time. This stayed flag had to shown in the battle where the prince stay. All units had an own standard, often with characters (monograms or abbrevations). So I have choosen the prince's name: Gabriel, and the type: "G".
Thank you for the looking! I will be ready with the whole on the next week.
I didn't send updates for a long time because I worked on small things what aren't so spectaular and I'm thinking on the next figure too. But it is an other story...
I want to be ready with the hussar on this week. Scabard and spurs aren't finished. This figure will be a commercial piece in limited edition, I will release it in September. I have talked about the painting with my friend Gábor Szabó, I would like to ask him to paint one.
Thank you for all mates who have followed this thread!
I have just finished the kit with the scabard and spurs. Maybe this figure was a long and borried process for the threadvisitors, sorry, I'm very slow
Today I beginn a new diorama in 1/72 size just for fun, but I think so small figures won't be an easy job .
yes I'm so slow..., I hope the moulding process won't be so slow. I think at late september we can show a painted one. Some people have ordered yet, so I'm satisfied.