Probably I did not understand you well

, I am sorry too

I think that we both basically agree....Not all of us are equal in size, color, etc .... thankfully there is a lot of variety among humans.
It would also be interesting that sculptors were encouraging to show the signs of the age in some of his sculptures (Feminine or masculine) ....but this probably will be less commercial.
Also I think that a bust or figure that represents an elderly man would be more commercial than if it represents an elderly woman. Unfortunately, in some cultures the oldness is more valued for a man that for a woman, because it seems that in a man + age = + wisdom and experience, whereas in women case, more age only means "oldness" and it´s not something positive but pejorative. Evidently, I do not agree with this
I hope that there is understood well what I want to say.
Thanks again for your words.
Kisses: Pepa.