Thank you guys for the input and advice, I know these are not common, I have picked a couple up off of ebay, but I really want to get started on the rorkes drift diorama as soon as I can get a couple more british 24th foot figures.I have the lunging one, the reloading standing, the firing standing one ,the kneeling loading one, the dead zulu, sgt. bourne, but i thought there was a couple more, I have a bunch of zulus from the men at arms collection, not sure if they made any british figures or even some of the zulus. I gues for this diorama, it would look better with a whole lot of zulus. If you have any that you would part with that I dont have Richie let me know. I picked up a valiant 24th foot in 54mm, but its not 54mm and does look right with the others.Thanks again guys