War and Peace


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As someone who has very limited Napoleonic knowledge I am unable to comment on the accuracy of the uniforms, but I do feel that with all these things, the battle scenes always appear to be on a very small scale. Obviously, budgets must dictate how these are tackled, but, as with Sharpe, the feel of a large battle is missing, IMO. I never feel that there is anything going on elsewhere on the "battlefield"!
I agree, too, that the Russian "atmosphere" is very lacking!(y)
Sorry to disagree but then I know nothing about Russian Uniforms so I was able to enjoy the story-great job from the BBC in trying to translate an epic book into 6 hours of TV. I found the characterization and story lines intriguing and enough to watch the next episode at least. (got to admit to being a fan of costume dramas LOL)
Probably unrealistic to expect Battle Scenes on a par with Waterloo....and even that was criticized.....will be interesting to see how the drama develops.
Oh that chap from the shire

Worzel Gummidge?

The Problem with TV taking on W&P in the modern era is that the production was given the go ahead 'post cutbacks' and accordingly the budget allocated was for just 6 episodes. That means like all other adaptions, the scriptwriter had to deal more with Omisssions rather than inclusions from the original story.
Abridging the longest novel written should have been given 20 episodes minimum.
Unfortunately, according to in interview on Radio 4 the other day the writer then chose to highlight the veiled hints at an incestous relationship and makes it a major point of this series instead of featuring the war in depth and other matters.

So we end up with an abridged version of part of a huge novel. A shame for the scriptwriters, what else can they do..

Still, if we need to, the 1970's adaption will still probably be available in one format or another,
and that was more representative of the book.Or get the book off Amazon and have a hell of a good read.


Yes Paul, in short this version is shit :D

You can say that Ron, I didn't 'cos in fairness, I can't, I don't watch Television !

I just wanted to point out why, and from Andrew davies's own words, given 6 episodes he had to provide a complete 'version'.

But yeah that would probably be shit, specialy if hussars had no pigtails. Disgraceful.

Davies also said not one of the cast had ever even tried to read the book !

I don't watch telly either but but thought this might be ok, but also had my reservations when I seen it was condensed into six hours .
Wonder where it will pick back up . Probably at the treaty of Tilsit that way they can skip the battle of Fiedland and Eylau but they would have to show the signing on the raft on the river Nemen and that would be costly :rolleyes: So where will it go ; back to the kissing cousins I suspect :D

None of the cast took time to read any of the book or background ! well that about says it all , If I were the director I would have had all of them shot or Bull f****d at least :whistle:
Ah well.......I will enjoy the next episode and Ron can get in an extra hours painting....everyones happy........simples!

Well was anyone impressed so far with The beeb's latest adaptation of this epic novel.
I can only presume that the closing battle scene was meant to be Austerlitz and they eluded to mention it as it was so crap .
Seen better reenactment uniforms , most of the stuff here looked like it was from a carry on movie , half expected Sid James to turn up as Napoleon , What about that Great coat :facepalm:

A bit Harsh Ron! Maybe we should give it a couple more episodes. The battle shown was (I think) Bagration's holding action at Hollabrunn, also known as Schongraben. Not read the book but if I remember right from previous adaptions, Bolknsky gets wounded at Austerlitz. I thought the uniforms looked pretty good. I did notice that the Pavlograd Hussars appeared to be sporting the 1809 uniform and that the frogging was red instead of yellow, but it's nearer than Hollywood ever got (and 100% better than either the History Channel or the Sharpe series!). What surprises me most in these productions is that the historical advisers seem incapable of ordering a few uniform reference books that are readily available to most of us.

I am a proud button counter (what the hell is a rivet anyway), but this is a dramatization, based on fiction, based on historical events. Much like Vikings and The Last Kingdom, I watch these for entertainment and the story is paramount. Yes, I would like authentic costumes but I can accept a near approximation. At least this production might make a very complex story palatable for the masses and encourage people to read the book (myself included).

Thought I better watch it. Visually impressive but not as 'Russian' as it should be.

If you want that Del, seek out the Russian Bondarchuck movie, but even that, although spectacular enough to make Waterloo look like a low budget film, is wanting in the depiction of tactics.
Thinking about it, I can't think I've ever seen a 100% accurate film - EVER! So why even bother ever expecting to get one - it's only setting yourself up for disappointment?
A bit Harsh Ron! Maybe we should give it a couple more episodes. The battle shown was (I think) Bagration's holding action at Hollabrunn, also known as Schongraben. Not read the book but if I remember right from previous adaptions, Bolknsky gets wounded at Austerlitz. I thought the uniforms looked pretty good. I did notice that the Pavlograd Hussars appeared to be sporting the 1809 uniform and that the frogging was red instead of yellow, but it's nearer than Hollywood ever got (and 100% better than either the History Channel or the Sharpe series!). What surprises me most in these productions is that the historical advisers seem incapable of ordering a few uniform reference books that are readily available to most of us.

I am a proud button counter (what the hell is a rivet anyway), but this is a dramatization, based on fiction, based on historical events. Much like Vikings and The Last Kingdom, I watch these for entertainment and the story is paramount. Yes, I would like authentic costumes but I can accept a near approximation. At least this production might make a very complex story palatable for the masses and encourage people to read the book (myself included).

If you want that Del, seek out the Russian Bondarchuck movie, but even that, although spectacular enough to make Waterloo look like a low budget film, is wanting in the depiction of tactics.
Thinking about it, I can't think I've ever seen a 100% accurate film - EVER! So why even bother ever expecting to get one - it's only setting yourself up for disappointment?

Well thats you told Father Jack :ROFLMAO:
Ron & Del; I take it back! I spoke too soon this time. Episode 2 went downhill rapidly with Austerlitz taking about two minutes - also looked like the Russian high command got a job lot of parrot feathers. Don't get me started on the Napoleon look-alike - uncanny:ROFLMAO:.
Looks like it will be Peace and Peace from now on, but at least Vyvyan has mellowed in his old age.
I still think "shit" is too harsh though Ron, it leaves no adjectives for those much worse; have you seen ITV's Beowulf?
Ron & Del; I take it back! I spoke too soon this time. Episode 2 went downhill rapidly with Austerlitz taking about two minutes - also looked like the Russian high command got a job lot of parrot feathers. Don't get me started on the Napoleon look-alike - uncanny:ROFLMAO:.
Looks like it will be Peace and Peace from now on, but at least Vyvyan has mellowed in his old age.
I still think "shit" is too harsh though Ron, it leaves no adjectives for those much worse; have you seen ITV's Beowulf?

Never saw this episode David as I fell asleep before it came on and woke up after it was just finished :) looks like I didn't miss much then:rolleyes:
Well I suppose they kept the best for the first episode :ROFLMAO: Mind you no one will be able to follow Stieger as Napoleon .
Where next then, lets skip the treaty of Tilsit and breeze right by that minor skirmish at Borodino :D

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