Joe Hudson
A Fixture
It has been a very long time since I've posted anything so here is my latest figure. It was inspired for my love of Batman and Knight Models came out with such a cool comic Joker I just had to have a go at it! The figure is a 70mm kit. The figure and the HaHa!'s are stock and everything else is scratch built. I had originally started sculpting my own HaHa!'s but found these and said these look cool!
I took this to this past Atlanta show and was very surprised and pleased to have won a gold and Best Superhero/Villain award.
Everything was painted with my usual Vallejo's acrylics.
Thanks for looking,
Here are some pictures of the backdrop. I have been asked about it. I sculpted it using both Sculpey and AVES. The leg of Harlequin was sculpted with all AVES. I used a piece of styrene to sculpt it on. Well, here's a lesson to be learned. First Sculpey has to be baked and thus the styrene will melt/warp. Next, Sculpey will shrink and last it's very brittle. So when I went to glue it it cracked and was hard to sand and correct so I WILL never use it again!! I was using it because it gave more time to work with bug I would have been better off with just going smaller sections with the AVES.
I took this to this past Atlanta show and was very surprised and pleased to have won a gold and Best Superhero/Villain award.
Everything was painted with my usual Vallejo's acrylics.
Thanks for looking,
Here are some pictures of the backdrop. I have been asked about it. I sculpted it using both Sculpey and AVES. The leg of Harlequin was sculpted with all AVES. I used a piece of styrene to sculpt it on. Well, here's a lesson to be learned. First Sculpey has to be baked and thus the styrene will melt/warp. Next, Sculpey will shrink and last it's very brittle. So when I went to glue it it cracked and was hard to sand and correct so I WILL never use it again!! I was using it because it gave more time to work with bug I would have been better off with just going smaller sections with the AVES.