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Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2017
Hello everyone and welcome to the new Art in Miniature forum part on Planet Figure

Some of you may be familiar with the Art in Miniature fb group. For those of you that aren't, the group was set up earlier this year to promote the art of miniature figure painting and raise awareness as an art form - in many countries including the UK, its still a relatively underground activity.

Here's the link https://www.facebook.com/groups/1858970461162623/?ref=share

Please note the group isn't a modelling group - there are already several fabulous fb modelling groups in existence such the IMMC that already cover the subject of modelling and in particular military subjects.

The purpose of the group is to help raise awareness of miniature figure painting as precisely that - a incredible form of art that can often command even more hours and practice than traditional two dimensional painting.

While the group is still very new, we are welcoming new members each week from society who are interested in discovering the highly addictive art of miniature figure painting.

The current admins of the group are myself, (Mark Haywood) Colin Chandler and will very shortly include Kevin Peart.

As we are now adding more content and larger articles to the group, the larger posts will now be added directly onto Planet Figure, where more viewers will have a chance to see the material, and comment as they wish.

Last month we introduced a new feature - 'In the Spotlight' whereby we select an artist and ask them a limited number of questions on their practice, materials, and where they see miniature figure painting today. This feature will now be added directly to the Planet Figure website, giving viewers a chance to read more about the artists practice and gain a brief insight into how they like to work.

In addition to this feature, we will also be introducing a new regular painting get together in the North of England - 'Brush 'n' Brew'. Again, we will add details directly onto the PF forum shortly. Look out for a similar event that will be introduced in the South of England in due course!!

We will add the first 'Spotlight' feature shortly and look forward to sharing many more articles with you in the near future...
Hi Mark.

Thanks for the intro , nicely explained

Look forward to seeing the first Spotlight and other posts ......

.......we are all in agreement about having fun and highlighting the hobby as a art form

Hope we see some of yours and Colin's painting in particular

Happy posting

Great to see such an initiative to develop the hobby in the UK. We seem to be behind Europe in this regard. Unlike Europe there is little support for culture in the UK from local councils etc.

Wish you every success.

Thanks for posting, it will be interesting to see the content here.

Personally I find FB groups frustrating. There are too many (with too many overlaps), so much content is cross-posted to multiple sites and it's hard to engage with anyone except in a very superficial way. So I'm glad you will be sharing some content here.
I believed first that FB was for France Béton ( concrete ) but it seems it's for Facebook Group
Perhaps this one : https://www.facebook.com/artinminiature/

So : ;)
Hello, Dolly,
Well, hello, Dolly
It's so nice to have you back where you belong
You're lookin' swell, Dolly
I can tell, Dolly
You're still glowin', you're still crowin'
You're still goin' strong ........................
Thanks Keith, yes, you're right... very little support for culture in the UK especially these days. Hopefully we will be able to bring figure painting a little bit more into the limelight in terms of recognised artistic practices. We shall certainly try!!

Great to see such an initiative to develop the hobby in the UK. We seem to be behind Europe in this regard. Unlike Europe there is little support for culture in the UK from local councils etc.

Wish you every success.

That's a very good point Nigel and I agree - fb is great for short sharp visits and to see pics etc but in terms of something a little more in depth fb isn't the best. It was Nap's suggestion to bridge the two platforms and I think its a great idea. We've just added the first 'Spotlight' post featuring a q and a session with Andy Statham, the first of much more content in the coming months!!

Thanks for posting, it will be interesting to see the content here.

Personally I find FB groups frustrating. There are too many (with too many overlaps), so much content is cross-posted to multiple sites and it's hard to engage with anyone except in a very superficial way. So I'm glad you will be sharing some content here.
Hello all,

In addition to the recent threads, if anyone has a particular artist they would like to see featured in the 'Spotlight' article, feel free to suggest and we'll see if they the artist is willing to partake...

Think it might be in addition to any suggestions we have some PF members ( not me ...just not photogenic ) you could contact via PM

I would like to see Margot and Robert Crombeecke , Anastasia from Alexandros , FeR , Hugo Pereira , Adrian Hopwood , Andy Argent, Rob Lane

Sure there are many others including sculptors and artists that others might suggest

Matt Wellhouser I mentioned in an earlier thread and I would add Pepa Saavedra. Both incredible artists with totally different styles.