Well it has been a busy but...


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PlanetFigure Supporter
Nov 16, 2003
Stockholm (Venice of the North)
..fun weekend due to the IPMS-Open in Stockholm. Mostly arranged by the IPMS-Stockholm of which yours truly is a member.

Thanks to Frank Glackin, member of the same exclusive fraternity and a regular visitor on Armorama we already have some pictures.

Heres a teaser.

Here are some more pictures but unfortunatly there just airplanes. :eek:
However Ill buy the first Figureteer to pick me out in the crowd a beer in Boston. :) Credit to Robert Lundin for this sit.
Click here if youre not offended by airplanes

Ill post some more official pictures when theyre available.
Ahh.........young Heinz has eyes like the mighty hawk! :lol:
Gentleman or not I will certainly buy you a beer, I can even bring one from the old country should you have forgotten the taste.

Between you and me, how long time did it take?

Also this year was a record in entries and participants. 450 pieces and about 120 competitors. This has been developing for a few years. We will have to get a bigger place next year. :)

For those that like dioramas you can spot the tall guy in the background to the right is Per Olav Lund from Norway who were there with his dio "Minenhund". Unfortunatly Ive forgotten the name but the blond fellow talkint to him made the diorama in my first post.

Tjena Janne!

heehe! It had been a while since we last met ('97? maybe) but honestly, I spotted the shaved head in one of the first two pictures so I knew where to look, then it was a piece of cake when it came to the pitcure I posted before. Total time spent maybe 2 minutes from clicking the link to time of spotting!

As for the beer, a Tuborg Guld would sit just right, I am about tired of drinking water with beer taste :)

Great to hear that the show is growing, it looked unusually big from the pics, but that is some great news!! Now you gotta drive that figure category some more!!!
On the second page there is a nicely done mounted figure (conversion?). Looks like Jan Zizka at Prague, 1423 with his trademark dagger-in-fist mace. Very well done; my only quibble is that shouldn't it be his left eye bandaged instead of the right? ;)

Neat show!

Hopefully IPMS won't mind if I post this pic:


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