What's on your bench right now?


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Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2011
Ontario, Canada
I'm plodding along with the big 90mm Pegaso Crusader (no peeks just yet:whistle:). Really labour intensive but he's progressing slowly...
what are you guys working on - I'm nosy:D
A pair of Young busts.
Mg34 gunner, the Russian mountaineer, and these will be joined by Moz's PIAT gunner shortly.
Nothing wrong with being nosey Mary, some people call it curious,
First of all, there is a big mess on my bench right now. I try to find some space there to work on Seil Models Polish Hussar 54mm and Art Girona Celt 70mm. The second one is primed and mounted to the base, waiting for its turn when the Hussar is completed.
German officer of WW2, german afriko korps soldier and a gebirsjäger, alos a german !

Here is what is currently on my bench...


I'm actively working on two figures: a 54mm Roman Aquilifer from Pegaso for me and a 54mm Quantrill's Raider from Thunderbird for my dad.

Keeping them company are two 75mm figures, a Macedonian and a Roman Vexillifer, that are partially started along with the 75mm Crusader from Historic Art that I picked up from Wlas this past weekend.
- A 1/9 scale bust, sculpted over a "naked" master, which will be a Hallstatt Celt, around 600 BC, with a hat from birch bark. I still have to sculpt the cloak. Tunica and hat and jewelry (amber) is ready
- a 54mm very late La-Tene Celt (around 50 BC) converted from El Viejo Dragon CG109, Soldier's Head Series and lead foil. Only one belt has to be fixed and it is ready to prime. Shield and lance are still do be done.
Hi Mary

I only ever work on one project at a time so I'm currently in month 9 for the latest 1/16 dio. I may venture in to some other stuff along the way but from a psychological point of view I just find it difficult to spread my attention across a few subjects!
At the moment I'm working on a 75mm Seil Knight Mounted, that i don't paint in black and white as the boxart but as Vlademar Magnusson. Carparison is blue white stripe with 4 golden lions on it.
Beside that i have JMD the BEF sergeant 1916-1918. And for this I had some great backdrop in mind that will keep me quiet for a long time.
And at last my first flat....a 54 mm that i bought for 1 Euro at our show. Just for painting something else.

Right now working on the horse for my Pegaso 75mm Red Lancer. The lancer himself is done so this project should be wrapped up by the end of the weekend.
I really should go back and finish the base for the Waterloo cavalry diorama that I was working on a couple of weeks ago... I've had enough of a break from it, it's time to finish!!!

I am working on Michael Miniatures Ernst August III Duke of Brunswick ,might be finished in about 8 hours! Black tunic was new for me and a challenge. Have worked on this one off and on for awhile. Once I got, what I think are good eyes I was inspired to finish it.
Quite a few on the go but the one that will be complete within the week is the old Fort Royal Review 1:4 Saxon Bust...the one featuring the Coppergate Helmet.
First time I've tried a face in this scale and it's proving challenging to say the least.
I'm cleaning up my next piece, 120mm 10th Hussars Officer figure from Michael Roberts (formerly by Roll Call) sculpted by M. Corry. I've always loved the elegance of the pose, and especially after I saw Bill Horan's brilliant version in his Masterclass book. This guy has been in my Grey Army since 2009, so it's time to put him into action.
When I can get away from Fly fishing up at the lakes, I m working on Maurice Corries 1/9th 82nd Airbourne full fig and also Carl Reid's Cherokee. Throw in 1/35 Diamler Dingo with two Alpine British Armoured crew (as Kiwi's of course) and that really wraps it up. completion dates are hopefully Sept. Les