I met and became friend with Pierre in 1971/72 ( we are still friends )
At that time he told me about his passion ; plastic kits and the soldiers in the kit and blablabla and blabla ... I was NEVER interested by little soldier when I was young, but to shorten the story, I answered .. oh yes, I liked ... and blablabla . 2 months later he crossed the channel, came back and told me " I could not resist, I bought us some lead soldiers ( Sanderson, Lasset, Hinchliffe full artillery train napoleonic 6 horses ) your part is 20£
?????!!!!!!!!!!! what............
The only thinks I could do was buying Humbrol colours . I didn't want but today I'm still buying figures
Among the Sanderson I still have in a drawer some pieces I painted the same month
The subject is perhaps the reason why I found painting
soldiers very fun ...
Then I met at The Heaumerie du Casque d'Or the owner who explained to me .. eyes ..... shadows .. highlights... use of oils, I spoke there with guys in visit :F. Verlinden, M Longhurst who were very open to explain tricks of the trade . I must said also that for the majority of the "competition" painters visiting there, I received blank star to my questions and the usual answer " ... It's trade secret ... "
No books, no mags, no internet
My first real lesson then was : I will never be like that and was completely open to explain what I learned, experimented, discovered and still I am
And with some explanation I received from Verlinden for painting tanks, I applied it ( the only one in my live ) and it was in the same years ( 74 - 75)