White metal or Resin...preferences


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A Fixture
Dec 21, 2005
Leicester U.K
Hi all,

I have decided to go ahead and finally get one of my figures cast for commercial sale,i am going to get the `Pilgrims Protector`knight cast if possible but i am resculpting it in 90mm rather than 120mm.
What i would like to know is what are peoples opinions on figures cast in White Metal versus Resin.
I know Resin is a cheaper option due to cost of white metal so obviously this would mean the figures retail price would be lower.

Would appreciate peoples view on the matter.


heres the knight for those who havent seen it yet.

I haven't bought a resin figure in at least 4-5 years so it's highly possible that this opinion is embarrasingly out of date. I've always found those big ol' casting blocks attached to each piece to be a major pain in the dupa. That's really the only thing that's kept me from buying resin figures.

Lately, due to the current state of the economy, I've cut way back on my figure purchases. But, given the lower cost of resin figures, I'd probably finagle a way to buy them even now but only if I were sure I wouldn't have to wrestle with the blocks.

I like your figure & would definitely consider adding him to my wantlist, whether he's metal or (depending on the above complaint) resin.


Here's my two bob's worth.

Resin is cheaper and it allows the modeller to make easier conversions. Metal feels better,and can be burnished for use on chainmail and metal surfaces.

Apart from that, I really don't think there's a huge difference, and it tends to come down to personal preference.

Ibuy both metal and resin figures. The key determinent for me is the quality of the sculpting and the casting,not the materials.
I prefer metal for knights and ancient and medieval figures because you can polish the armor. Nothing looks more like metal then metal. Especially plate armor but chain mail also looks good with light burnish.
Like Tony said, resin is much cheaper so in these expensive times it's a great plus if you want to sell it.
On the other hand a metal figur is still very interesting when it comes to painting armour. I also used to say that the quality is much better with metal ones (no bubble holes etc...) but manufactures like JMD proof it can be (much) different.

I prefer resin and choose whenever I can. Only execption would be smaller details that needs some strength. Be careful about the resin. It should not be to hard or crisp when hardened neither to soft. I like Accurate Armours and Legends resin the best.

Janne Nilsson
Thanks for the response so far guys,the painting ellement of armour,chain etc was a big reason i was looking at white metal for this figure,i am aware that it gives a better result for representing the metal areas.Obviously cost is a major factor at the moment with the current financial situation for each individual so resin is a very viable option,especially as it is in the larger 90mm scale to make it more affordable for the majority.

I am still awaiting quotes from several casters before making the final decision.

Thanks for the input everyone,

Hi Steve,

the piece looks great!!
have you ever had a piece cast before?
In my opinion I would cast both hands on the axe and shield respectively. Also I would cast the shield and axe in metal.together with any small parts. The rest I would cast in resin. This is partly due to cost and partly due to practicality. The base looks large! Is it hollow? because this in metal would be very expensive, if it is solid! Also if it is resin it would be cheaper to post.

Thanks for the comment on the figure,its a compliment coming from you Carl ,are you still the in house sculpter for Griffinmoulds ?I was talking to Phil the other day ref costs for casting.

This is my first figure to be cast and thats a good idea you suggest to attach the axe and shield to the arms/hands.
I am really hoping to get this figure cast in metal,but it all depends on price in the end.The option of mixed resin/metal might be an option.

