Hi Chas and Denes,
Thanks for your comments and your interest in my latest project.
Chas, the trousers are khaki drill in colour and I agree, are probably British in origin. Thanks for your help with this. There's no substitute for good research.
Denes, I haven't decided on the base yet, but I was thinking about placing him on a muddy jungle track surrounded by jungle plants.
I've been reading several books written by men who served on Timor with 2/2 Independent Company, and their tales fill me with admiration and inspiration. Amid all the great and terrible events of WW2, the lonely and desperate plight of 300 Aussie commandos, heavily out-numbered, cut off and left to fend for themselves for over a year on a small island crawling with enemy troops, is surely one that deserves to be recounted.
They faced and tied down an enemy force of over 13,000 battle hardened troops of the Japanese 58th Division, and killed 1,500 enemy for the loss of 40 of their own men.
Most of the surving members of 2/2 Independent Company are West Australians and live here in Perth. I hope in some small way that my figure does justice to these men and if I get the chance, I hope to meet a few of them and learn more about their extraordinary exploits.
For me, this is where military figure modelling transcends a simple hobby and becomes something much more significant and personal. It's certainly not about glorifying war, but rather honouring the bravery and sacrifice of the men who fight them.