We have another winner!!!!!!!
Taesung, you just get getting better with every new sculpt! The folds are shaping out really nice and hope to see them completed soon.
Hello Taesung ,I like very much your style,the folds are very realistic and the natural poses ,its great when I see the sculptor think too in the satisfaction of the modelers who want to paint yours figures ,nice works.
Annyong Taesung! How's things? Beautiful work as usual, great to see them develop!
I missed the chance at the show but I picked up some Apoxie Sculpt in Vegas so I'll be trying it soon, should be interesting to see how it compares with MS from what Rob has told me about it.
Hey Taesung ! GREAT STUFF,my friend !!! It looks like another winner for Calvin to paint-up. I'll be looking forward to seeing the final completed images. Cheers !