Workshop Review - Detmold, Germany


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Jan 10, 2012
posted by roman, jarhead, kong

Aloa brush- and colourfanatics,

it is about time for another Painting Class Review.
This time we have been to the beautiful city of Detmold, Germany for another one of Jar's Beginners classes.
Many thanks to Peter, Felix, Bastian 1 who helped with the organisation of this class.
It has been a perfect weekend. Thanks to Raffa too for driving through the rainy hell and for his assistance during the weekend, thanks for a weekend full of Kong Fu (learning about ourselves) for both of us. Thanks to Bastian II for his enourmous help during the clean up!

Thanks to everybody who came to the class and spent the weekend with us. A special thanks goes out to Martin who travelled from the Netherlands and did the class his second time.

Detmold is also hometown of PK-Pro and we have been a lucky bunch as Felix and Bastian brought some of their stuff to the class. Check their store, but take care, great stuff there.

As I am into the "Thank you - thing" right now I also want to pay credits to the for sponsoring the class with plinths for every student. It was also my pleasure to meet the mastermind behind Juweela, Mr. Kleina at place as he was visiting us there. Juweela sponsors bricks and sandbags for the class and guess what, you can also get their stuff at PK-Pro.

The class took place in a college area and the room we stayed in was truely professional. Many thanks for such a cool option, Felix. It was just awesome teaching there. Before I forget, thanks to Phillipe and Raffa for adding some of their photos to this report.

We started ... ok, honestly for me a class is already kind of routine: I know exactly what happens at every minute of the class, somehow. I also guess most of you who follow the class reports already know how we clean the demonettes, when we start painting, etc. ... I don't want to always write the same. It feels not cool.

So, what to write know?
First I can say the class was truely healthy for me thanks to the students. So many people interested in the words that come out of my mouth (I should have taken more care about the choice of them...). The Detmold class was really amazing when I talk about the power the students brought into the class, even the weekend was filled with exhausting moments. You all did so great and I loved your energies during the weekend, they made mine grow too. Some photos for you now ...

Packing the car for the 6 hour ride to Detmold

Preparing demonettes ... the most boring thing to do on a painting class.

black on black ...

Concentration please! We are starting with colours!
Use your brush like a sword, wield it wisely, take care not to harm the figure,
but be aware of your mistakes. Those are the best thing that could happen to you,
they teach you your future. Accept them and learn from them.

why is there a white cat?

Figures we brought for explanations and as examples of different content of the class...
In between results of the students ...
Explaining ...

At this point again I want to excuse myself for the quick end we had to face on Sunday. Driving home was truely awful during all the rain and we came home late at night. We had to make a cut somewhere but I would have loved to see you all painting until Wednesday. Thanks for your understanding.

As I told you in the beginning this class was pure fun and joy for me as a teacher too. You have been awesome students and I was happy to see that all of you managed to conquer their inner fear during the switch of Saturday/Sunday. Miniature Painting needs time to grow as every single figure does, do not worry about the steps you do in between a long travel, just walk or dance, as you prefer.

preparing the results for photos ...
... but what is more important than painted figures are the figure painters behind the brush ... and if they can still smile on Sunday the class went fine I would say :D

Many thanks to everybody involved in the class!
I wish you a big load of happy painting for the future and I hope to see one or the other again, somewhere!


PS: Best Wishes from Raffa too!

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