WW1 diorama and figures in progress


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well, seem like I have to change the title on this topic. Something went terribly wrong when I was giving the ready painted Morane a wash, after a couple of minutes the plane was beyond repair :angry:
The time was right to find a new hobby :(
Then I found a Polikarpov in my kit stack and gave it a try. After a weekend of building the plane was ready to give an idea of the new story.
So what do you think? should I still go for the Morane (I have to get a new kit) or should I keep on with the Polikarpov?
After some thoughts I think maybe its more realistic to show a Polikarpov almost
intact after a crash landing than a Morane, the Morane made of wood and
canvas would most likely become totaly destroyed even after a light crash
And one more thing, this is after all a figure site, I have to sculp a new pilot!

Per Olav



an a shot of the Morane R.I.P
Originally posted by Milorg@Aug 27 2006, 08:34 PM
The Polikarpov is intact after a crash landing than a Morane, the Morane made of wood and
canvas would most likely become totaly destroyed even after a light crash

I think that this should be the best reason to keep the Morane.
It will fit nicely on the base, so when this is finished and you like to build the Polikarpov, do it after you finished the dio.
Then look what plane you want. But you have a finsihed diorama that is in my opinion become's a gold one.

Hello Per Olav!


although I can imagine the frustration, please don't worry about it anymore! The Polikarpov looks great also and fits very well to the groundwork, and as you wrote it might even be more realistic.
You might need something to fill the now slightly empty spot on the right side of the riverbank though. Maybe part of the broken wing? I already like the overhanging vegetation there, so maye this can be exaggerted more? ...

By the way, the painted groundwork looks absolutely great!

Best wishes,

Well Per Olav,
I have to admit I like the Morane better, but either plane will hold it's own. I don't know that the Morane would have been more damaged or not. It's hard to know exactly how hard he would have hit the ground, any sort of imaginary circumstances could have happened. I don't think it would have necessarily been more damaged. It changes the whole era with the Polikarpov. I think maybe some of the inocence is lost with it over the Morane. Just a thought. You will no doubt make the correct decision! Keep us posted on your progress!

Jay H.
Euh, guys...
I think Per Olav also preferred the Morane, but if I read correctly it is not an option anymore: completely destroyed, and it would be too boring to build another one...

Best wishes,

Originally posted by Milorg@Aug 27 2006, 12:34 PM
So what do you think? should I still go for the Morane (I have to get a new kit) or should I keep on with the Polikarpov?
this is CERTAINLY not meant to read as an argument with you, but I read into the post that he might still be up in the air about it and was asking our opinions. I don't dissagree that building the Morane again would be a pain in the a$$. But I just think it has a lot more impact considering the whole era changes with new plane. Just M2C. As you and I both know Per Olav can do whatever moves him! :)

Per Olav, you may have to jump in here and clear up my ignorance. Sorry if I am mistaken. :(

Jay H.
Hello guys

sorry my late reply, a lot to do at my work lately..

Thank you all for your opinions on which plane to use, I have also discussed the question with some other modellers and the meanings are 50/50.
I agree with you Jay, that some of the "innocence" is lost when the the Morane is gone and the lay out has changed a bit but not in a negative way I think.
The Polikarpov is easy available and since I'm living in a "desert" regarding available hobby shops I keep on with the project using the "Rata" . :)

Sorry my question started some "hot" discussion , I guess my english some times can be misunderstod, my fault :(

Keep on building guys, I will keep you updated!!

All the best
Per Olav
Hola Per Olav!

Excellent dio you got going! Im not really biased towards one plane or the other, the only thing that came to mind seeing the second plane is that you see less of the pilot then you did with the original air frame.

Now, I dont think this is reason enough to find another kit, build it and paint it while you alrleady have the other one built and ready to go.

The way I tried to look at it was as if I hadnt seen the first version before the second, would I know it was not the original plan? The answer is ofcourse not and I think its just as brilliant with either plane.

Looking forward to see the next series of inprogress shots!
Hey Per Olav :) !
The groundwork looks AWESOME (y) !!! As for the choice of airplane to use, I think that either type would be suitable, although like it has already been discussed, the "innocence" is lost with the second choice ;) . Whatever the final outcome, the diorama is still a GOLD winner !!! Cheers !
Hello Per Olav

It was Great to see you again in Euro & my hat off to you for a WELL deserved Gold!

This sure looks like an another winner :) It's even better than I imagined...

Polikarpov lays on the ground more realistic than Morane. In my opinion the composition w. Polikarpov is more pleasing to the eye as well. Only shame is that you had to scrap that GREAT WW I pilot. Maybe you can use it in another project...

Take your time to decide on the paint scheme of the plane...It will affect a lot on the final appearance of the dio! Green with red russian stars would contrast nicely on the whitish ground and still maintain the cold atmosphere. Maybe a worn out winter camo with green showing underneath...This dio could be set in Finland ;)

Fourth kid on the empty spot on the right might be nice? Maybe someone skating late to the site... Or heavier overhanging vegetation ike Marijn suggested.

All the best & waiting to see the next steps.


ps. I have some "cigar smoking" winner pics for you! Just let me know your email address.
Hello Per Olav!
Just got notice of your outstanding project and I am too suffering with you from this accident with the plane! :(
My humble opinion to the question if or not to have another Morane installed:
I think the first composition with the Morane was more dynamic, as the direction of the crash landig was towards the slope and the tree with the child on it. This gave a thought of danger that the plane might tip over ore slip. Another reason for the kid to be careful!

Whatever solution you choose, as far as one can see now, it will be a match winner! (y)
I suppose, there will be added some rubble onto the ice that came from the impact of the plane.

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