WW2 German Winter Uniform


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Active Member
Jul 15, 2005
Hello everyone i am new to the Planet and new to figure modeling. I have started a project involving two late war germans, the diorama is going to be a snow scene (maybe in norway, i am not quite sure if in fighting occured here late in ww2) and i was wondering if anyone could show me some examples of a winter or snow camo.
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Are your figures wearing the reversible winter parka and trousers? The winter or snow camo you are asking about would simply be the white side of the uniform, but keep in mind that these could get quite dirty in the field. Camo patterns would be splinter or sumpfmuster (sp?) for army. SS uniforms for the late war period would be white on one side, and one of the SS camo patterns (pea, oakleaf) on the other. Here are some links:




I'm not sure about Norway, but there was heavy fighting in Russia and Eastern Europe throughout the late part of the war. What figures are you working on? Maybe you could post some pics? If we know what they look like, we can give you more advice. Good luck with your project!
Thankyou for the links they are great and the advise. By looking at the links you posted and the box the models came in i think my figures are SS so they would have the reversable "pea" pattern camo or the oakleaf. I am not sure about posting pictures, but if you want to see the box cover art try this link


I guess i will put them in the Ardennes.

Have A Nice Day!
Doughboy417, here's a link to Amazon.com for a book that I purchased. Its a really good book describing all there is to know about the Waffen SS's uniforms. I started out with the intention of doing lots and lots of World War one and two stuff but I lost the motivation somewhere... Oh I know, it moved out with my self esteeme :angry: .
IMHO, its worth every penny. Hours and hours of reading with great plates to study.
For Book Click Here
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