WWII Pacific Marine


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Tell me about it! I paint in Braille I think...at any rate,,stick with it...your work is appreciated...by me anyway
As for older Marines serving, as a Marine Lieutenant in the early 80's, I served with several Korean War veterans. Senior Marine NCO's in WW II were the Privates and Corporals of WW I and the Banana Wars. Some were possibly still Privates or Pfc's with multiple Good Conduct Medals, who were "career Privates.

The sculpting is excellent, regardless of the origin of the photo.
Very nice indeed you are doing a great job on this well done looking forward to seeing the finished version.


TFB Miniatures Team
Hi I have to agree with PropBlast the helmet cover is looking a bit tight but apart from that it’s definitely a nice piece of work.


TFB Miniatures Team
Hi all just like to say that TFB Miniatures will be releasing this beautiful Bust from Pokrad in the near future. We are delighted to have this in our range. We will keep you posted on when it will be available and Pokrad will also keep you posted on this as he finishes the fine tuning.

Thanks for looking


TFB Miniatures Team
Hi Pokrad

Your definitely getting there

Perhaps the pouches are too uniform in shaping ....presume he's in a combat area ?

Look forward to more

Need to find photos of how the pouches behave when they are filled with ammo clips.

Something about the construction of each individual pocket . . . if am seeing correctly they do spread open like an accordion but the bottom or base is sewn flat across. Maybe need to introduce the stitching here ?


Couple of observation that may or may not be useful. First, I think the jacket (blouse in Marine lingo) is too tight. It fits a bit looser than that.As it is, it looks a bit like a fitted shirt and not a combat jacket over a T-shirt. Check the shape of the dog tags. Marine dog tags were more round than the army tags. These look a bit in between. And lastly, the ammo belt hung over the shoulder seems a bit of an odd choice to me. He would have remove his entire belt, unhooking it from the suspenders. Since it appears the suspenders are attached to something, he must be wearing his belt. Which begs to question, how are the ammo pouches hanging on his shoulder? Perhaps an ammo bandoleer (frequently carried) would be more appropriate. Also, in combat, Marine would rarely roll their sleeves up that far or that tightly. When I was in the Marine Corps, we would roll our sleeves neatly and tightly, but that was the 1980's and peacetime.


Thanks Jack, I will add the stitches, they were not visible on my reference photos... probably because they were the same color as pouches...

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