Thank you guys for your kind comments. It s been very fun painting this one and i m glad you like the result.
Mike i m not familiar with the expression "what does the devil look like? " but i take it it refers to the bust, So i have to say that the sculpting of this one is really amazing and everything about it is a joy to paint. I know you have painted one of your own and i think you d agree with me.
Foxyboy the helmet was done starting with a black acrylic undercoat. Then i mixed gold ink with Winsor and Newton Vandyke brown. Applied lights and shadows and blended. Then for deeper shadows i used a mix of Vandyke brown, Pthalo green and Cassel earth with a stippling motion. Last for lights a mix of gold ink and pthalo green was used. Alot of blending and waiting for oils to dry in between!