I've volunteered to paint this for someone, and I'm glad I did as it's a stunner.
I removed the cap badge as Steve Readdie is doing one a bit more in scale.(thanks Steve)
Still early days,
Looking good, but the lining of the hood should be the same dark khaki as the collar. Both were faced/lined with woolen cloth , rather than the khaki drill canvas of rest of the suit
I've volunteered to paint this for someone, and I'm glad I did as it's a stunner.
I removed the cap badge as Steve Readdie is doing one a bit more in scale.(thanks Steve)
Still early days,
In relation to the suit, I have photo of my father and his crew taken in the period wearing these and there isn't one of them that looks the same! In my experience when I was in the mob during the 80's with all our advanced techniques of manufacturing and production it came from the factories looking slightly different, if you looked there wasn't one of us that looked exactly the same Squaddies being renowned for customising kit we'd have to "improve" the stuff anyway (at least till the RSM spotted us)