May be too late for this model, but here's a cheap and cheerful way of making feathers:
-Cut a length of fuse wire, slightly longer than the desired length of the feather;
-Cut a strip of paper slightly wider than the intended width of the feather and twice its length, then fold it in half, narrow end to narrow end;
-Insert the wire between the leaves of the paper strip and glue together. When set the paper can be stiffened using PVA or varnish;
-Then cut the paper to produce the feather shape leaving the end of the wire as the quill. You can cut notches and suchlike into the feather at this stage;
-Then paint. Extra textures can be added with a brush at this stage.
The feather will take some gentle bending. For larger figures, you could substitute the metal sheet from an empty tomato puree tube for the paper. Be sure to give it a rubbing down with a blunt object to get all the creases, etc out. Kitchen foil also works.
Have a go, let me know what you think.