This is an O.O.P. 90mm, white metal figure by Ceremonial Studios, which I managed to acquire recently (still in its original box) for the princely sum of £5.00. It represents John of Eltham, Earl of Cornwall, who was the younger brother of Edward III.

The figure was sculpted by Richard Almond, as indicated in this old advert:-

The sculpt is based on the funeral effigy of the man, which has the appearance of a mature person. Actually, John died of a fever less than a month after his 20th birthday.
You can find out more about the character HERE.
Since he spent a lot of his campaigning life in Scotland, I have attempted to give the base a bit of a ‘heathery’ look.
I have used various types of paint. The face is in oils over enamels; armour and mail in printers inks with oil washes; while cloth and heraldry (including the shield) was painted in acrylics.

The figure was sculpted by Richard Almond, as indicated in this old advert:-

The sculpt is based on the funeral effigy of the man, which has the appearance of a mature person. Actually, John died of a fever less than a month after his 20th birthday.
You can find out more about the character HERE.
Since he spent a lot of his campaigning life in Scotland, I have attempted to give the base a bit of a ‘heathery’ look.
I have used various types of paint. The face is in oils over enamels; armour and mail in printers inks with oil washes; while cloth and heraldry (including the shield) was painted in acrylics.