Very nice, the face is excellent and I also really like to use Beige Red and Light Flesh for flesh. Great base as well.
Amazing job on the face (54mm???) with just three colors. I like it. Ground work is nice also
That's looking really fine, Bob, excellent flesh work.
Really nice work Bob! Coming along beautifully and I love the base.
Looking really good Bob ..... will be following....Mike
Lovely work on that face Bob.
Nice work...face and ground.
Thank you all very much really appreciate the comments, I am trying to find the source for the face painting I have used, Its by a guy who paints German 1/16th. This is the article part for the face, I'm sure it was for the full figure
Clever work,sir.....clearly admirable skills are on show here.... seriously impressive
at that scale. Salaams !!
Off to a good start Bob. Very nice groundwork.
I'm a big fan of Avanpost 75s. Fabulous sculpting and practically flawless casting & fit. The only think I don't like about them is the tiny little laser-cut wooden boxes that they cram them into.
- Steve
Lovely work Bob. So jealous Bob! As you know I'm a big fan of Avanpost but since the war started I can't bring myself to buy any. My Dad was Ukrainian. I know I shouldn't be bothered as the tax payable on the profit of a figure wouldn't buy many bullets but it's just how I feel. Wouldn't like the one bullet to be hitting my friend in the trenches. .
Just so you know, I don't mean any criticism of you or anyone buying their figures at all and I mean that. It's my issue and mine alone!
Keep enjoying the figures and I hope and pray to be in a position soon to get some again myself. All the best!