Hi, I would like to ask on materials and other step by step guides, possibly if You can post a link on some forum, if such exist, dedicated to sculpting hentai figures, I will be very happy. First of all, I would like to ask on clay as Im a beginner and it will be my first attempts, up until now I was only painting. I wonder, which clay is good, which is ok just for trial and error, Im down to earth, Im sure first pieces will be pretty terrible
What is most important for me is the hobby and joy of it, to be able to express the creativity as a big manga and hentai fan, yes, Im quiet aged haha, so please if You advice me on tools, basic set will do for me, I am considering Greenstuff tools, but unsure of what specifically will I need for such figures, there are also other manufacturers I have seen in wargaming shops, so specify please or recommend certain set for me, I do not need the most expensive, but if its worth it Im willing to spend, according to my idea, it will be better to buy some wargaming stuff of tools, precisely what do I need?
Are the japanese artists using some very much different tools of of a european artists, does it matter when it comes to hentai figures or is the process simmilar to lets say crafting the warhammer, DnD or simply stuff from european based companies. I loved painting and would love to add sculpturing to my new hobby, so very courious what You guys recommend. I will be greatfull for some websites, maybe dedicated to such sculpturing, even do not know if I can discuss it here, but hope it is not a problem.
Basically I also need a good books on figure making, recommendations are welcomed, youtube channels or any other social media that may be of help as instagram accounts, twitter any source of useful info I appreciate, the biggest issue would be a book but Im willing to import from Japan if such publication isnt in English, be it on manga figures or hentai. Thank You very much and Happy New Year!

What is most important for me is the hobby and joy of it, to be able to express the creativity as a big manga and hentai fan, yes, Im quiet aged haha, so please if You advice me on tools, basic set will do for me, I am considering Greenstuff tools, but unsure of what specifically will I need for such figures, there are also other manufacturers I have seen in wargaming shops, so specify please or recommend certain set for me, I do not need the most expensive, but if its worth it Im willing to spend, according to my idea, it will be better to buy some wargaming stuff of tools, precisely what do I need?
Are the japanese artists using some very much different tools of of a european artists, does it matter when it comes to hentai figures or is the process simmilar to lets say crafting the warhammer, DnD or simply stuff from european based companies. I loved painting and would love to add sculpturing to my new hobby, so very courious what You guys recommend. I will be greatfull for some websites, maybe dedicated to such sculpturing, even do not know if I can discuss it here, but hope it is not a problem.
Basically I also need a good books on figure making, recommendations are welcomed, youtube channels or any other social media that may be of help as instagram accounts, twitter any source of useful info I appreciate, the biggest issue would be a book but Im willing to import from Japan if such publication isnt in English, be it on manga figures or hentai. Thank You very much and Happy New Year!