Completed Third Regt of Belgian Lancers c. 1890


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Jul 2, 2023
First up many thanks to Pierre for providing information on the distinctive colours of the, at this period, four Regiments of Lancers.

I start posting this part way through the build. The base figure is from Historex spare parts and a Historex resin head.

So far I have blocked in the front of the tunic, built up the booting on the 'Lasalle style' riding breeches and made a start on the Lancer cap.


This is the main reference illustration I am working from.


The left hand standing figure.

Cheers Simon
I can't push putty to save my life, so interested in how people do it, following.

Cheers Bob, I was once told that "if you can paint you can sculpt". It took me many frustrating years for that to be true, it's like most things there has to be lots of time to learn and practice before things start to take the shape you intended. Trouble is if I spend too much time sculpting I start to forget how to paint, something like a "Homer Simpson Syndrome"!

Thanks for your interest and following.

Cheers Simon
Mr Prolific strikes again! Another colourful and rare subject, great choice.

Cheers Nigel, if I could still play rugby I wouldn't manage a fraction of what I do, unless my wife has plans for me it's about all I do. I need a valve to deal with pain and being creative is it, mind, you don't want to see me struggle to stand after a session at my desk, you'd think I was 89 not 59. That and there so many great uniforms to make and so little time!

Cheers Simon
Managed a little progress with my Lancer, he now has one trouser leg done and a start on the lance cap, the top is a square of plasticard so I can now build he curved undersides up to it.

I meant to mention last time but forgot! The reason I built up the bulk of the tunic and the leather booting before the trousers, it makes more sense to build the inner garments first normally. However I tend to do some of the top layers first, this restricts how much bulk I can add to the lower layers so as not to over empthasise the bulk of outer garments. It makes sense to me anyway.

Sorry the picture is not too good, it's the best of several I took.


Cheers Simon
I am watching this figure with interest as I like the uniforms from this period. On the uniform front I recently discovered that L&F Funcken did a two volume set of uniforms of the 19th Century. I never knew they completed this set as I have never seen it for sale. I guess its off to the bookfinders...!