Active Member
Having purchased some Hawk Miniature busts, I compared them to some old remaining figures. These include Clydecast Figures and some Scots DG trumpeter and Pipe Band Dancer figures. The latter are maybe All The Kings Men figures, once sold by regimental PRI shops and probably quite scare
nowadays. However castings are quite thick eg swords and swords belts. The Clydecast figs are Scots Greys c.1830s and 1880s. Again quite scarce today re dates.
A recent conversation with a friend concluded that it would be a waste of time working on them re competitions, given the quality of present day kits.
Having restarted painting again on regular basis, I am currently doing 2 Hawk Miniature busts, and 2 Minifigs French Carabinier and Hussar mounted bands ( old Christmas presents ) I forgot that Minifigs are up against competitors such as Perry these days.

Having purchased some Hawk Miniature busts, I compared them to some old remaining figures. These include Clydecast Figures and some Scots DG trumpeter and Pipe Band Dancer figures. The latter are maybe All The Kings Men figures, once sold by regimental PRI shops and probably quite scare
nowadays. However castings are quite thick eg swords and swords belts. The Clydecast figs are Scots Greys c.1830s and 1880s. Again quite scarce today re dates.
A recent conversation with a friend concluded that it would be a waste of time working on them re competitions, given the quality of present day kits.
Having restarted painting again on regular basis, I am currently doing 2 Hawk Miniature busts, and 2 Minifigs French Carabinier and Hussar mounted bands ( old Christmas presents ) I forgot that Minifigs are up against competitors such as Perry these days.