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Active Member
Jun 25, 2024
Having purchased some Hawk Miniature busts, I compared them to some old remaining figures. These include Clydecast Figures and some Scots DG trumpeter and Pipe Band Dancer figures. The latter are maybe All The Kings Men figures, once sold by regimental PRI shops and probably quite scare
nowadays. However castings are quite thick eg swords and swords belts. The Clydecast figs are Scots Greys c.1830s and 1880s. Again quite scarce today re dates.

A recent conversation with a friend concluded that it would be a waste of time working on them re competitions, given the quality of present day kits.

Having restarted painting again on regular basis, I am currently doing 2 Hawk Miniature busts, and 2 Minifigs French Carabinier and Hussar mounted bands ( old Christmas presents ) I forgot that Minifigs are up against competitors such as Perry these days. :ROFLMAO::happy::dead:
Busts are DF Grieve, Nelson and 15th Hussars. Managed to give Johnny Frost a throat exit wound courtesy of runaway Black and Decker. Should have snapped off the link.
Hi Jimmy

ATQM ........some nice subjects , at the time loved by all ...liked the Indian Army subjects

Wasn’t so keen on Clydecast

Look forward to seeing more on the busts ...do start a V Bench thread on them

Go easy with the drills !

Have fun ...safely

I have about 20 Tradition of London figures I collected over the years. I remembered them from my youth and thought they would make a nice project for when I retire. They are the Retreat from Corunna rifles figures and quite a few of the Retreat from Moscow figures (I drooled over these in the Tradition shop in the 70s). I got them out the other day and decided that life is too short to waste on these old figures, even though they aren't too bad. But there are so many high quality figures these days that I can't be bothered to waste my few remaining years on old stuff. The new stuff is much more enjoyable IMO.

Minifigs? They weren't even the best in the 1970s, let alone now! Always something rather squat and robotic about their sculpting.......
I have about 20 Tradition of London figures I collected over the years. I remembered them from my youth and thought they would make a nice project for when I retire. They are the Retreat from Corunna rifles figures and quite a few of the Retreat from Moscow figures (I drooled over these in the Tradition shop in the 70s). I got them out the other day and decided that life is too short to waste on these old figures, even though they aren't too bad. But there are so many high quality figures these days that I can't be bothered to waste my few remaining years on old stuff. The new stuff is much more enjoyable IMO.

Minifigs? They weren't even the best in the 1970s, let alone now! Always something rather squat and robotic about their sculpting.......

Yes agree about Minifigs, it was nostalgia and a late friend . Who else does Napoleonic bands in 20 -28 mm ?
Hi try Perry’s Miniatures they are very good having war gamed with them for quite a while I can highly recommend them. They have a very good napoleonic range. They are multi pose so you can chop and change with ease. They do both plastic and metal.

I have the American civil war 28 mm armies love them, my friends Ian Terry and Eric use them too they have the war of the roses which are great and Ian’s just started to build a Franco Prussia war army so a lot to peek your interest. Give them a try . Hope that helps.


TFB Miniatures Team
I think the only stuff that stands the test of time is original Poste Militaire, D.F.Grieve, some Pegaso and some Pili Pili.


Add Almond and Ceremonial to this list. I just finished Richard Almond’s 90mm mounted Murat ADC Captain Manhes and it’s up to modern standards IMO.

Hi try Perry’s Miniatures they are very good having war gamed with them for quite a while I can highly recommend them. They have a very good napoleonic range. They are multi pose so you can chop and change with ease. They do both plastic and metal.

I have the American civil war 28 mm armies love them, my friends Ian Terry and Eric use them too they have the war of the roses which are great and Ian’s just started to build a Franco Prussia war army so a lot to peek your interest. Give them a try . Hope that helps.


TFB Miniatures Team

Perrys are great but even they are in danger of being eclipsed by ultra detailed 3D sculpted wargame figures like those from Piano. Continuous improvement.

Hi Colin, yes your right some of the new 3D 28mm figures are terrific the details are amazing. Just like the larger figures these are going to put pressure on companies like Perry’s. It’s progress they say but I along with friends still like the old stuff as well .


TFB Miniatures Team
Hi try Perry’s Miniatures they are very good having war gamed with them for quite a while I can highly recommend them. They have a very good napoleonic range. They are multi pose so you can chop and change with ease. They do both plastic and metal.

I have the American civil war 28 mm armies love them, my friends Ian Terry and Eric use them too they have the war of the roses which are great and Ian’s just started to build a Franco Prussia war army so a lot to peek your interest. Give them a try . Hope that helps.


TFB Miniatures Team

Yes I have acquired some Perry figs. I have a mind to do a couple of Scots Dragoons trumpeter and drummer using Perry AWI and Black Powder Marlburian figs.
Hi try Perry’s Miniatures they are very good having war gamed with them for quite a while I can highly recommend them. They have a very good napoleonic range. They are multi pose so you can chop and change with ease. They do both plastic and metal.

I have the American civil war 28 mm armies love them, my friends Ian Terry and Eric use them too they have the war of the roses which are great and Ian’s just started to build a Franco Prussia war army so a lot to peek your interest. Give them a try . Hope that helps.


TFB Miniatures Team

Yes I have acquired some Perry figs. I have a mind to do a couple of Scots Dragoons trumpeter and drummer using Perry AWI and Black Powder Marlburian figs.

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