Completed Jean Lannes


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Active Member
Oct 10, 2006
Hi Planeteers,
this time I'm posting my second-to-last piece: it's a simple (again) 54 mm conversion of a Pegaso reference. It depicts Marechal Jean Lannes wearing a greatcoat; all medals and plaques were modelled using a contemporary portrait of Lannes as a reference.
Unfortunately the pics are not nearly as good as the ones of the trumpeter I posted a few days ago; this time I made them, not Ivo.
This piece was painted mainly in acrylics, enamels ad printers ink were used for the yellow metals and a touch of oils for the boots.


You can take a look at Figurinitaly for some more WIP pictures and notes.

very much, very beautiful work. Definitely it is pleasant to me
Excellent conversion and very nice painting. It's a object that really pleases me and inspires me to do a similar work myself.
The lace and the sabre scabbard is stunning.

Thank you again, guys.

Keith, only the base coat has been airbrushed on, to achieve a smooth and flat finish. Highlights and shadows has been applied with "Hairbrush" (kidding... I mean conventional high quality sable brushes). I was aiming for a very deep, dark and rich blue (Imperial Blue was actually almost black).

Apart from being a well finished figure it really transports something more to the viewer. It has soul.

Excellent choice of components.
You should have sent it to Pegaso as a master before painting. I would buy a casting in an instant.
Please could you post links to your other pictures here also, as I am no member of the italian site I can not enjoy...