Apart from being a well finished figure it really transports something more to the viewer. It has soul.
Excellent choice of components.
You should have sent it to Pegaso as a master before painting. I would buy a casting in an instant.
Please could you post links to your other pictures here also, as I am no member of the italian site I can not enjoy...
Thank you, Manfred. Your comment about soul is the best compliment I have ever received! The figure is actually a patchwork made from pieces coming form different sources and manufacturers: the head is Andrea, sword and hat are Metal Modeles. Only the main body, arms and scenery are Pegaso, while some detail has been modeled with Magic Sculp.
I attach a coule of pics showing the different materials used to modify the original cast. When the foto was shot, some decoration on the chest was missing.
And talking about pics, I posted on another thread here on Planet my latest "patchwork", a trumpeter of the Empress Dragoons.
BTW, I doubt that Pegaso or any other manufacturer would consider to produce such a Frankenstein monster, eh eh.