Well, I would like to add my 2 cents regarding this matter.
First, the Poste Militaire range saw its highlight times way back in the early nineties and started in the seventies, remember the Hinchcliff Samurai?
And on the other hand Pegaso Models keeps releasing figures to present day but started much later the race
Well, with this I intend to mean several things. The first is that the dimension of the range is completely different. For each Poste Militaire figure you can almost compare it with 10 Pegaso Figures: Here is a Samurai ... Here are ten Samurais, here is a Knight ... here are ten knights ...
Poste Militaire has quite few figures, but each single one of them is amazing. On the other hand, in my personal opinion, the Pegaso Range has many brilliantly executed pieces but also have many pieces that ... are just another one to the catalogue. Take the Platoon range, for example: For me that range is only of moderate quality, some figures are put to shadow by some remarkable Dragon injection molded figures, not to mention the Alpine range.
About the dynamic, I think it happens the same: For each dynamic Poste Militaire figure ... you find ten dynamic Pegaso figures. But the reverse is again true: For each static Poste Militaire figure ... you find ten static Pegaso Figures.
And we also have to define "dynamic".

for example, yesterday we were discussing busts. The Pawnee brave, the very first one, has a small rotation in the neck, however, this small twist gives the figure an incredible dynamic and makes it an extraordinary eye catcher: There are quite few busts so good as this regarding body attitude. After all you only have a fraction of the body to transmit motion.
Finally we have fashions and trends. This is another aspect. Let's find figures of the 90's with extreme dynamics? ... Ups ... they are hard to find! One, two, three ...
Now think of present times: Would you like to see static Pegaso mounted templar Knights?

I am pretty sure none of you! Those pieces are so beautifully composed and transmit so much drama!
And now, let's think reversely again: Would you love to see dynamic mounted Poste Militaire Samurais? Oh no! Please never! The immense emotion those pieces carry rely a lot in the way the horse walks slowly. But things are not all the time like this: The Red Lancer, 20 years later is still one of the most sublime miniatures ever sculpted!
And how fast he rides