Hi to all! I would suggest another Italian producer, which produces excellent figurines, in my opinion: Masterclass
Have you got this one? Clydecast Models - There old catalogue is below to view
http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=clyde cast models&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&ved=0CDIQFjAA&url=http://homepage.ntlworld.com/tompark/&ei=WZgDUdzaCemp0QX6tYD4BQ&usg=AFQjCNE6El3Gzqs1yOfBSrfzvu4-Jv-fTw&bvm=bv.41524429,d.d2k
Could you add 27rosso from Italy?
wood bases and resin accessories
Hi to all! I would suggest another Italian producer, which produces excellent figurines, in my opinion: Masterclass
will be done
in the XLS file in the next hour
I agree Andrea... Beautiful figures!Hi to all! I would suggest another Italian producer, which produces excellent figurines, in my opinion: Masterclass
Added in list .Hi you might like to add our new company we are based in the UK no web site yet but have an email address where we can be contacted. we are called:
Ellie's Miniatures
contact: ian.burton@live.co.uk
Ellie & ian
As see you I am fully awake today ....Dear Hawk
you are in the list since many months
The list contain today circa 800 links to manufacturers
1000 links to FREE unifrom books , you click on the title inside the XLS fila and the book opne on the net more than 15.000 pages in colours
The file is at
If you want to add a picture in the file, feel free to send me a digital copy of the picture
free to download . I upgrade at least twie a veek
Hi, all!
I just found out yesterday that a French manufacturer was still in business, Art Miniature. Here is their new (current) website:
Their old site went dark a couple of years ago, and I put the word out in several forums about them. Over the weekend, by dumb luck, a French member of the Treefrog Treasures Toy Soldier forum let me know that Art Miniature is still going, and that they have a new website.
Their catalog focuses on French subjects, naturally, covering the Napoleonic and later empires, but also the 18th century. They offer a couple of vignette kits "Chocolate", "The Visit") that I always wanted to get but never did order.
So, let's add them to our index, and do have a look!