Man's Best Friend has, unfortunately, made only a little progress. I did a little yesterday - the trousers and fixing the position of the hands and arms on the soldier. I think I will completely re-do the Jack Russell terrier.
Mostly I'm still trying to finish the Landsturm. Making a kit for casting, at least in my case, requires endless fiddling about with the bits that are meant to fit together. Once I have all the figure bits finished, then I'll start on the 1888 Mauser rifle and I believe I can divide my time between the rifle and Man's Best Friend.
I'll also have to find some time in about six months or so to work on a commission for Peter Hayes. You've seen the classic WWI photo of the two Brit soldiers wearing PH masks and firing a Vickers. They are lying against a ditch bank. It's one I'd considered making a vignette from earlier. Anyways he's doing the ditch, building the Vickers, etc., and I do the two figures. Given that Peter and his wife just had a baby, I think I won't be asked to do much for about six months. LOL.