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  • Hello Tony

    thanks for accepting !
    sorry to hear about your family in those dark days. I guess many of us have relatives lying here somewhere. I really do hope to meet you someday. Maybe next year in Antwerp or one day down under?
    Hi mate. I just saw your completed bust! WOW! you got that done stupidly quick. Is it toally complete now?
    Reason why I ask cause I noticed the gap between the neck and the busts body. Needs to be filled in and painted.
    Also I think the highlights are a bit thick? Might be your photography though.

    Hope my comments don't offend. I look foward to seeing him in real life next meeting.
    Dear friend thanks a lot for your wishes . Its a strange feeling entering one more decade !!! i hope it will go well !!!!!

    best regards mate

    Hi Tony,
    Thank you for your kind comments firstly about my album, then the Cowboy. With regard to me critiqueing your bust All I can say is watch the proportions and always look at the movement, I always feel that the movement is the most important feature after the prortions. But it's often the thing that is overlooked. the move ment is the what draws you to a piece to begin with. Use this analogy you can't see the deatil from the other side of the room by you can see the animation. Luca (Pegaso) calls it soul. I'm pleased to the sculpy is working well for you. keep them coming Tony your work is excellent
    Alright, if you can make it, tell me the time you will roughly be there and if not, hang on to them for the next meeting ;) Im just suprised that he sent spare heads, i wasn't expecting that. :D
    hey Tony, just about the heads, would you be able to make it to stanebridges on saturday for the heads? If you can that will be cool and i will bring along my figure (which i would do anyway).

    Thanks, that's awesome! I'm very grateful for the generosity of the guys at WASMEx. Attending the show has given me a huge boost. I'll try my very best to get to the next HMFS meeting.

    Thanks again,
    G'day Tony,Thanks mate!~They reckon 47's the new 27,that maybe so but they wouldn't want to look like me at 27.I did order a figure for this birthday,one I've been after for long time.It's the 90mm Landsknecht Halberdier by EMI.Great piece with a great pose!I could only find it at Red Lancers.Looking forward to having on the bench.-Cheers I'll have one for ya.
    I like the new albums Tony.
    Love that how to win a V.C.
    Hi Tony,
    Yeah I'm pretty fond of the Bigeye Gropers myself!~Nice fish!
    hi mate. cheers for that info. Saved me from making a WIP thread and getting told off :-P I'll give Gordy a message now. cheers.
    Hello Tony,thank you so much for the very kind words on the passing of David Ridley.David will be so sadly missed ,by so many.I had only just finished the box art for David's last bust,a Gordon Highlander, a couple of weeks ago.Dave was so happy to see what it looked like painted .I was so glad that David was able to see the finished paint job.

    Kind regards John
    Man's Best Friend has, unfortunately, made only a little progress. I did a little yesterday - the trousers and fixing the position of the hands and arms on the soldier. I think I will completely re-do the Jack Russell terrier.

    Mostly I'm still trying to finish the Landsturm. Making a kit for casting, at least in my case, requires endless fiddling about with the bits that are meant to fit together. Once I have all the figure bits finished, then I'll start on the 1888 Mauser rifle and I believe I can divide my time between the rifle and Man's Best Friend.

    I'll also have to find some time in about six months or so to work on a commission for Peter Hayes. You've seen the classic WWI photo of the two Brit soldiers wearing PH masks and firing a Vickers. They are lying against a ditch bank. It's one I'd considered making a vignette from earlier. Anyways he's doing the ditch, building the Vickers, etc., and I do the two figures. Given that Peter and his wife just had a baby, I think I won't be asked to do much for about six months. LOL.
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