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  1. L

    Elite's Knight

    waoh that really a wonderful figure Brian ! can you explain how you work the metal part ? that rocks ! Dom
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    Bronze Age warlord

    Hello, i have rework the eyes and try to follow yours comments i hope it's better Dom
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    Bronze Age warlord

    sorry i cant make more zoom photos Georges, there are blur when i zoom more I have watch my eyes in a mirror and the eyes seemed to me not disproportionned what do you think guys ? i must remake eyes ? Dom
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    Bronze Age warlord

    I just try to rework a little the yes and make it more define I hope it's better because i dont think rework it more because i fears to make more bad things than better Dom
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    Bronze Age warlord

    hello Georges, form me the eyes was end in my mind ... do you think there are not ended ? can you explain more ? thanks for reply Dom
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    Bronze Age warlord

    Hello here a new update i rework light and shadows fo tunic and trousers for add more contrast and depth of field I do also the flesh tone hope you like it but critism alre also very wellcome Dom
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    Pegaso knight

    salut Daniel c'est toujours un grand plaisir de suivre tes oeuvres et très instructif pour moi qui débute can you tell us what is this fig ? and what technic you use for painting it ? acrylic or oil ? how do you work the metal on it ? merci d'avance Dom
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    Bronze Age warlord

    salut Georges i have use airbrush only for trousers and tunic basecoat its for me an easy way to have a very good start with an uniform base coat Dom
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    Bronze Age warlord

    hello i have work all the saturday on it ... hope you like the progress Dom
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    Bronze Age warlord

    hello here the progress on this figure I have begin work light and shadows and trousers and tunic the rest is just base color there is lot of work again Dom
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    Bronze Age warlord

    54 mm Stiff but more 60mm like Pegaso figures ! Dom
  12. L

    Bronze Age warlord

    Hello I present to you my work for the first time on this forum The figure is Bronze Age warlord from Andrea. The primer and the basecoat was painting with aero. I have put first highlight. Now the real work can beginning ... Dom
  13. L

    Spanish soldier XVII c.

    thats a great face Jaume !!! you seemed to change your usually color palette on this face, right ? it seemed to me more cold and pinky ... can you share your mix color ? i 'm very interesting by this type of athmosphère best regards Dom
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    W.I.P. Legionary of Exculcatores Iuniores Britanniciani 5th C. AD

    Hello Paul I'm very happy to show this new project from you. i'm sure to learn each time and take pleasure to read your wip ! I cant wait to show the begining of your paint Dom
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    Northumbrian warrior finish

    thanks to all for your comments ! i will try to make better blending for the next figure Dom
  16. L

    Northumbrian warrior finish

    hello, i have make some add on this figure with your comments thanks Dom
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    W.I.P. Il Fuedo 54mm Roman Centurion 110-105 BC

    yes it's seemed to be Laruccia sculped Dom
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    SS Grenadier late war .Alexander Miniatures

    that's a superb figure Jaume can you share the color of your green-grey uniform ? Dom
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    Wild Bill

    that's really an impressive face Dom
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    Northumbrian warrior finish

    hello here my first figure ended I hope you like it any comments and criticms are welcome ! Dom