Th Three and five mag pouches were issued. I did not confirm it but I would imagine that the three mag pouch was an earlier version.
Either way is fine with me. Must do some research on costs in case we have to do transatlantic shipping, will get back to you. Mailing to a Virginia address would smooth the way considerably.
Try "British Uniforms in North America" in a search engine. The first step though should be to not worry about how this one turns out. You have to paint a figure before you can ask good questions. HAVE FUN. Don't go comparing your first to what you see here.
Make a search of the Planet for "Brave Little Belgium". American artist Bob Tavis did this original diorama of a Belgian armored car in action against Uhlans. Bob has not forgotten Belgium.
Uhhh... if this beautiful figure is intended to represent an AWI participant, that contest ended in 1783. I do not think redcoats were popular in NY in 1789.