Well about to start my first figure


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Active Member
Jul 26, 2014
I decided to have a go at a 54 mm Benito model of a British Grenadier in North America in 1717'
However the instruction on painting the model could be a lot better.
Can anybody suggest where I can find ref material covering this model.
I don't know whether picking a British red coate is the best idea so any advice would be welcome.
Try "British Uniforms in North America" in a search engine. The first step though should be to not worry about how this one turns out. You have to paint a figure before you can ask good questions. HAVE FUN. Don't go comparing your first to what you see here.
Red coats aren't too bad with a few lessons like consider shading by mixing in some green and highlighting with some flesh to avoid going pink orange. What sort of paints are you going to use?

Like Steve says,Just enjoy what you do and don't worry how it looks,it takes time but the more you paint the better
Hi Griff.
A bit of a marathon but stick with it ...... a masterclass ....... and a redcoat (y)
And as Steve says don't worry but also don't be satified
Hey mate. There are much better painters here than me in regards to advice. I will however say that you can't be too hard on yourself. We are all learning all the time. Don't be afriad to try new things. Some will work for you and some won't. Keep going with it and ask questions and advice as you go. All the baet. Look foward to seeing your work.
Hi Griff,

Your first couple of figures should just be for fun. Don't worry too much about how they look. Its an opportunity to practice your painting techniques and start to get a feel for the subject.

Vallejo paints, especially the reds, blues and greens, have a tendency to dry semi-gloss or gloss which can look rather odd when you're painting a uniform, so I would recommend you buy yourself some Tamiya x-21 Flat Clear and add a small of that into your paint mix. It should reduce or completely remove the glossiness problem.

Please don't be afraid to post photos of your first figures on this forum and ask for advice. You'll get plenty of really positive and encouraging advice from us. We all started somewhere.
Go for it Griff. As I have found out, you don't learn by leaving them in the box. Don't be afraid to post your work in progress either, you will only get constructive advice from these guys on here, won't you won't get is judged or put down.