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  1. M

    Young miniatures bust and my new dvd.

    i know your work and i would also be intertested in your dvd.
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    Sheperd Paine and the World of Military Miniatures

    i have nothing to say except but "do not call me again" thank you.
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    where can i buy douglas lee's book

    i am looking for douglas lee's book does anyone if there a vendor what still carries it and if so who?
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    Something new for me: An ORC

    will this figure be done commerially? if so what company?
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    Upcomming planetFigure Planned Outtage:

    i hope the upgrade goes better than mine did.
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    Duke Mornay and Mr Rothschild

    so tell me which is rothchild and which is the duke.
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    Dwarf Tombraider-Master of Witchery

    thank you for reminding me that i have to do add dwarves to list of figures to do all four groups in plastic from warhammer. ps will this become commerially availability if yes when and from whom?
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    The leader. 1:35

    did you his tomb for his likeness? ps my name was yablonsky
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    the french old guard

    i found that i have both the airfix and historex old guard what should i do with them converted one to consular guard and do the rest of as they are or detail all of them as much as i can using other heads and hands?
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    Support the underdogs of the figure market.

    but that companies do you consider the underdogs?
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    Easy Work - Ready Mix Groundwork Effector

    so where can i buy this groundwork ?
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    Lindbergs BIG surprise, literally speaking.

    i hope so because i have seen the stagecoach done without their added on details and scratch build details added on and they where beautiful models.
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    old work- knight in acylics 54mm.

    for a older figure it looks better than the figures i do now !
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    The Vengeance of Smaug

    i recently read that games workshop will be doing the same thing !
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    Bruno Schmaeling sbs

    dear bruno; i have just found that i own a copy of smithsonian instition 's book of american indian can also use this research for either blackfoot or pawnee. p.s. my interest stems from an old tv show call yancy daringer(sorry about the spelling it has been a long time since the show has been...
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    buying new furniture

    i am very sorry but i do not drink beer just grape juice and apple cider-the real stuff.
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    buying new furniture

    well it is almost clean my room after twenty years of dirt but here is the question what type of furniture do i buy for this so i can work in my room? any answers other than working on the floor? please answer this one will you guys.
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    Washington DC area

    there is a washington group but the only way you find about them is to go to grandads hobby store in virginia or call the store and ask them.
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    1943-us army uniform

    i will be doing dml us army 2nd armoured division with od uniform late in the war summer of 1944 what color should i use for this uniform and from which company?
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    New Manufacturer - Helo Miniatures

    please do figures that no one has ever done such as a young moshe dayan or benjamin disreali or metal of honor winners or anything else.