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  1. Pilgrim_uk

    Airfix now getting their ideas from Tommy's War

    This might not be a case of the big boys being nasty as I used to do this. Once had a job to create posters for a well known electrical retailers. (I'm not a graphics designer or anybody that talented) Just somebody who knew how to use DTP programs well enough. The upshot was I use to steal...
  2. Pilgrim_uk

    Review "Volkan Lostblood" from Galapagos Miniatures

    Really fancy this getting this piece, Thanks for the review. Used this saying once this week already but its good enough again.
  3. Pilgrim_uk

    Kid Flips Out After Mom Cancels World Of Warcraft Account

    Well that was a Particularly dark turn on it Polyphemus but your true. True Den I know folk who have been playing this for 5 or 6 years.
  4. Pilgrim_uk

    FIGONE The news

    One HTTP too many and not enough IMG ;)
  5. Pilgrim_uk

    Got any used fags packets?

    Well they are not used till they retire from politics or showbiz surely baron. ;)
  6. Pilgrim_uk

    Got any used fags packets?

    This is were art and me part company. I struggle to appreciate the talent of an idea in conceptual art.
  7. Pilgrim_uk

    New WWI accessories from ICM

    I think looking for absolutes in scales is just asking for trouble. People are unique and its good seeing mini's represent that. Just my tuppence.
  8. Pilgrim_uk

    Completed Warathar,dark guard

    Totally agree about the colours really vibrant and gives each part separation. Brings the piece to life.
  9. Pilgrim_uk

    Open Book RAF Pilots, WWII Era, Masterbox MB3206, 1/32 scale (54mm)

    Nice bunch of figures for the price (under a tenner). Masterbox really do have a great range of figures. Bit soft in places but that's the trade off not getting resin and will do with a scrub up. Sometimes its not the piece but the painter. ;) The only thing that irks me is how much I hate...
  10. Pilgrim_uk

    Fallen Frontiers

    This is looking very good at 1/48 scale. The only thing that will drive me out is the material if they stick with Plastic (which I think they will) then I'm probably going to duck out.
  11. Pilgrim_uk

    BBC D Day coverage

    I blame the parents to be honest ;) Had to get that one in before somebody else did.
  12. Pilgrim_uk

    For Sale Exclusive miniatures available for collectors

    The barbarian dude is more 45mm than 54mm. ;)
  13. Pilgrim_uk

    Open Book The Scout

    Like the bust but the company website link doesn't work. Has the start of the next sentence in the URL which breaks it. :)
  14. Pilgrim_uk

    Fantasy conversions

    Hi Den Some pieces are just crying out for modding like some of the 17/1800 American pieces into steampunk pieces. Good luck
  15. Pilgrim_uk

    FIGONE Turned 5

    Too many protocols and it all goes to pot. ;)
  16. Pilgrim_uk

    Open Book Unboxing Ammon miniatures (Jack)

    Something cool about this figure, really nice piece. Think its the comic value of the whole piece.
  17. Pilgrim_uk

    Tarathiel MoonElf - Pegaso Models - May new release

    Agree with most of the comments about the clothing factor. Its a bonus her chest is not coming up farther than her bow. :) The colour scheme is another thing thats really pleasing to my eye.
  18. Pilgrim_uk

    Tarathiel MoonElf - Pegaso Models - May new release

    Not a fan of scantily clad women for the sake of it but this looks pretty cool ( why the need for the bare ass part). The walking pose seems very confident and determined to me as if shes about to do a killing shot.
  19. Pilgrim_uk

    Terrible Kids Stuff - The Butcher

    I can see the Silent hill connection as they have a character called the Butcher and an angular helmet. That is one fantastic looking weapon though. Will these be full metal casts of hollow casts?
  20. Pilgrim_uk

    My Display at Herzog von Bayern 2014

    Liking the Busts and Bill. You got any close ups of those piece's?