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  1. E

    try out

    Nice looking figure! Please post pics when he is done.
  2. E

    A gift for my father

    Awesome work! I remember seeing the in progress pics some time ago, and I must say it turned out great! One question, how did you do the beard? I have a Nemrod SS officer that's being used for one of Nordland's Swedish volunteers and intend to add a beard for that combat weary look. Thanks...
  3. E

    Reb Vampire

    I primed the hat with Gunze Sangyo Mr Surfacer 1000 and began painting it last night. Here are some shots: I painted the hat a mixture of Vallejo flat black and basic skintone, adding more skintone to the highlights and using straight black for the shadows, like Jaume did on his panzer...
  4. E

    Reb Vampire

    Here are some shots of Warriors' Vampire of the confederacy that I am working on. 1/8 scale, sculpted by Jim Maddox.
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    ebay madness again....

    Oh, come on! It's only $89.19 in american money! :lol: Still, that's too much for me. I can remember when a resin 1/35 machine gun turret went for +$100, that's just insane!
  6. E

    Favorite Paint Poll

    I'm a Vallejo man myself.
  7. E

    My Landsknecht

    Awesome work on the armor!
  8. E

    Practice heads

    Thanks for the comment on the eyes. The flesh tone is from Anders' SBS on painting large scale busts, which is being used as somewhat of a guide. Vallejo flat flesh, light sand, light brown, and 814 (cadmium umber red?). I realise that the techniques for painting 54mms and 200mm figures are...
  9. E

    Online images of 7.SS. Prinz Eugen...???

    Here's one I found on the net, not the best quality, but you can see the Odal rune. He also appears to be wearing the mountain boots. By the way, Concord's Waffen SS in Combat has a nice drawing by Ron Volstad of a Prinz Eugen jager, and a photo showing several men wearing camo field caps.
  10. E

    How many figure kits do you have in stock??

    :lol: I've heard that one before. Someday they'll all be painted. Maybe.
  11. E

    WIP - Early War German tankers

    Looking good so far. Will these guys be wearing the panzer beret?
  12. E

    What is Bad Taste?

    Wow... That is...interesting to say the least. Does this remind anybody else of Bosch's work? Sorry to get off track, just wanted to comment on that.
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    Fight for the flag!

    Anthony, that looks great man! So much action and drama on a compact base like that really looks great when you manage to pull it off like you have.
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    What is Bad Taste?

    Very interesting topic gentlemen. Personally, there are some things that I consider inappropriate or not decent, but that is largely my own opinion. For example, I am an axis armor modeller as well, and I happen to own a large collection of Waffen SS figures. Now, while I have no problem...
  15. E

    Now for something different

    Bobby and Joe, thanks for the interest. Joe, what bust are you painting?
  16. E

    Practice heads

    I picked up some of Warriors' 1/9 scale heads, thought they would be good to practice on. I started this one the other day:
  17. E

    Now for something different

    Here's a pic of the newest addition to my collection, Warriors "Vampire of the Confederacy" sculpted by Jim Maddox. 1/8 scale bust. I tried looking for pics of it painted up, but have been unable to find any. So if you have any, feel free to share them! I'm thinking that the jacket will...
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    WW2 German Winter Uniform

    Are your figures wearing the reversible winter parka and trousers? The winter or snow camo you are asking about would simply be the white side of the uniform, but keep in mind that these could get quite dirty in the field. Camo patterns would be splinter or sumpfmuster (sp?) for army. SS...
  19. E

    Wounded German Officer

    Thanks Kenneth
  20. E

    Starting a new project

    Is that the Warriors bust, but with a new head? I look forward to seeing it painted.