Thanks Martin, SG, Blue Thunder, and Rompy.
one of the former sculptors for the S&T line - C. Bail - is one of my close friends. When he was starting to produce figures for their line he was asked to use Tamiya weapons (unchanged btw) because S&T had official permission to use them.
As you are a countryman of Mr Tamiya-San I think that negotiations should be easy and - I hope - successful.
If you are serious about doing copies of this figure please let me know!
Thanks a lot for the info, Martin. Negotiation failed.

I wrote email and sent pics of my work and they didn't allow me to use MP40 or any other equipments. Even it is a small amount of private copies to my friends.
I wrote about S&T products, but they said there's no record about it, they don't know about it. With or without it, it's can't be the reason I can negotiate with them on using a part of their products in my own production.
That's OK, I didn't expect them say yes from the start, so no problem. (As I'm a Japanese, I know typical Japanese companies way, way of business, and its culture)
Thank you very much again.
Thanks a lot Rompy, for your warm & encouraging comment!
and, Thanks a lot SG and Blue Thunder, I considered 2 of your opinions, and as I already have started building MP35, I didn't want to stop it. I understand what Blue Thunder's opinion, but G43 doesn't fit my image of "German officer with gun". MP35 is "Machine Pistol" and it can be used single or automatic, so I think it is no problem. If I can make it in commercial then people can convert whatever weapon they want in his hand.
OK, here's the progress...