SG, thank you very much for the great reference pics! It really helps!
gregmarm, Gerald, Blue Thunder, Thanks a lot for your compliments!
An added bonus is he's a german!
That's what I wanted to achieve, "German look", so if you think so I'm glad.
Kaz, wonderful work indeed. Really like how you have done this as a first sculpt, amazing!
I think the dog looks super and dont worry you will always get people telling you how to do what you have done. Keep right on with your super work, I still remember the German you brought to Euro, totally hand built by robots/magnets!!!!!!!!!
Don, I'm really glad you like it, (this is not my first sculpt, though
Yes, I remember the very first day at Euro, you are the one of the first pF people I met there. LOL I was really glad you remember my work.
(I still regret I was in terrible condition and was in fuddle in 2 days, couldn't go out with you guys when I met you at Euro last year, please forgive impoliteness. I want to be fresh and crunchy next time.
Kaz, Excellent work! Congrats!
Thanks a lot for your comments, Taesung! I always admire your work and amazing skill of engineering equipments.
OK, while I'm letting dry the putties on figure, I was working on the dog. Here's the progress.