1/35th sculpts in progress


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Anders Heintz

A Fixture
Aug 23, 2003
Dallas, Texas
Hola Guys,

Im having some fun with these guys and are trying out some new techniques and styles if you will. I have experimented a bit with letting the putty almost cure then work the surface a bit giving it some texture, this is evident in one of the figs below. Anyways, Im having a bear of a time with the seam lines, I know they are not perfect but Ive redone them about 3 times, and Im sure Ill get it one of these days!

Anyways, here are the pics. Scale is 1/35th scale and medium is Magic Sculpt.

They will be a couple of late war ss div. Totenkopf guys.










Anders - These look great! I'm interested in seeing how you fix the seams. I've tried using one of those sharp pointed tools sold for etching. Wonder if that would work? Etch the seams like you want them to look and then go back and backfill the wrong ones with fresh putty? Always trying to improve my technics.

All the best,

The seams are a pain! The first go I had at them was to carve them, however this didnt turn out so great as the grooves got too deep. Maybe this would work with some adjustment of my technique. So what I did was I carved out a groove and applied fresh putty. Once this was half way set, maybe 30 min or so, then I went in with a dull xacto blade and formed the seams.

The areas that were hard were the ones with the folds, very hard to get a consistant line.

I also tried to glue two xacto blades together, it seems to work out allright (harhar!) and I will continue to try this method.

Im getting better at the seams and hopefully soon I will get proficient enough that I wont have to redo each seam 3 times...it gets old!

If anyone have a method of making seam lines Id love to hear about it!
Hola Dan,

Yes, seamlines can have a life of their own! I dont mind the single lined ones but the double one's are very hard as they need to be even or it will look like crap...better get to redoing some of mine :lol:

Here is some more progress. Worked a bit on the 'SS Anorak' or 'Kharkov parka' as its also commonly known on the #1 fig.






I thought you were on vacation?! :lol:

Regarding Chris question, Ill see if I can find it here in Stockholm, should you see Erik Ahlström he might be able to help you.

Nice sculpting by the way.

Hola Janne & Chris,

Yes indeed I am on vaccation. But sculpting is too much fun to stay away from, besides, now that Im getting married and all I dont need to be out at the bars with all these extremely beautiful women :)


I got the book in Mo, but there is a shop like 10 min away from here who have another, will pick it up next week.
Anders -- Wonderful SBS. You make it look so simple.
Makes me almost want to try sculpting again. :)

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