Thanks mate,
I humbly agree with you

. I don't want this to be just "one of the best" figures I've ever done, I want it to be my best ever

It's not there yet, but I know I'm close.

Others may disagree

, but I still consider my damaged Monash bust my best work to date, and the fact that I sculpted it and painted it made it all the more frustrating when I couldn't enter into WASMEx or take it to Euro Militaire last year

This Spitfire Pilot figure will be on display at the wedding reception, along with loads of other presents and I know it will attract a lot of attention particularly from the groom and his pilot mates

. For them, I want to get it right. Afterwards I hope it will occupy a place of honour in their new home or in my mate's office, where it will be a happy reminder of their union and my friendship

Thanks once again to everyone who has posted messages of encouragement and support on this thread. It's a pity these Naked Army kits look 100% better in the flesh compared to my lousy photos, but it will have to do.
Since it seems I now have some unexpected "hobby time" on my hands

, I've got a 120mm Afghanistan soldier to finish, a Pirate bust conversion to finish, a 54mm Macedonian General to finish and a drawer full of unbuilt kits to occupy myself.

Funnily enough, after building and painting this kit in just 2 weeks, I'm keen to have a crack at another Naked Army kit.
In the meantime, I'm going to keep working on a not-so-secret project to convert a Carl Reid bust into a full figure.