WIP 19th Regt. of Foot bust from CGS Miniatures


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Looks good Geoff ..what's the "old favourite" mix for the flesh ?

Thanks for sharing


What looks right mate, sorry couldn't resist it.

White with burnt umber, touch of Naples Yellow and the same of scarlet, needs to be quite a light mix, then raw umber around edges in creases, blend in wiping brush a lot, same with burnt umber, white with basic skin colour for highlights and very small dots of scarlet on cheekbones and lightly blend.

This might help, found on web.

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Head finished and initial colour blocked over the body, lots still to do with various tones over the flat red base.

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While shopping this morning saw this book in an antique shop and managed to get it for £14, bargain, super illustrations and written detail.

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I shall be looking at this this evening, dead chuffed.

You found a little gem of a book Geoff. BTW great progress; the face looks very very good.

Great progress Geoff.
Amazing work on the face.

Great progress Geoff.
Nice progress on the figure and buy on the book. I got a copy of it when it came out in the ‘90s. The illustrations are so good I thought about buying another copy to cut up and frame.

Many thanks Guys, I am so pleased with the face and the Shako, and yes that is a lovely book and I thought that was an idea about framing the prints Tom but then I would need a lot of wall space and the wife's approval.

Coming along Geoff.

As a matter of interest did you paint the lace & belts first and fill in the tunic or the other way around.


I do the lace and belts first, I used to do it the other way but I have found it easier after a mate gave me the idea, especially trying to paint over any red that might have gone over any area that white then needs to be applied as it bleeds through. It take a bit more time but so what.

Yes Geoff.

I have always been told to do it the other way but like you I prefer lace etc first then

back fill with the reds as its a bugger to get rid of pink lace & belts.



I was wondering if you did do the red first then if you did get any red/dark colour on the white bits if a coat of something like Johnsons Kleer/ Pledge as it's called now applied to the overpaint red would it then seal it in..... Think I will try that next time and see.
