2008- How many figures have you done?


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A Fixture
Aug 31, 2007
Perth, Western Australia
Hi Planeteers,

I thought it would be fun to start a new thread to find out how productive we Planeteers have been this year.

Please try and list how many figures you've started to make since the start of 2008, and how many you've actually finished.:D

I've started 14 figures since the start of the year, completed 10 and have 4 at various stages of completion.

6 of the 10 completed figures are 1/16th scale busts; Lucky Jack (Young Miniatures), Iron Brigade (Forlorn Hope), General Sir John Monash (1/9th scale - scratchbuilt), Leonidas (Yedharo), Hector & Achilles (Young Miniatures).

The other four were Robin Hood (Andrea 54mm), Praetorian Tribune (Andrea 54mm), Maximus (Latorre 54mm) and British Officer Zulu Wars (Pegaso 75mm).

Still on my workbench are Callum Talbot's 120mm Maori Ariki, Mark Rickett's 2-figure vignette "Compassion", a 54mm English Infantryman 1812 by Soldier of Fortune and the 315mm Naked Army Australian infantry at the Battle of Long Tan.

To my calculation that represents a 70% "completion rate" for the year, by far my most productive year ever.:eek::eek::eek: I estimate my average completion rate over the past 30 years has been closer to 30%.

Come on Planeteers, it's time to come clean on your obsession;););)
well normally I make about 5 figures a year. Due to some ups and downs this year (marriage, funerals) I've only completed 2 so far. I've started with lewis and clark a few weeks ago so I don"t think they will get ready before new year's eve.
finished 8................none of which are to the high standards set by other Planeteer's but each ones getting better so i cant complain

i have 1 on the desk now which i dont see me getting back to until next year and a further 6 that i have lost interest in or dont feel confident in attacking the next step etc 3 of which have been in that state for more than 2 years
Completed six this year which is a record for me, all are sold so the display cabinet is empty at the moment, still got three on the go and just started on some Romans, still got about 400 figures and busts sitting on the shelf and the collection grows bigger every month, will I ever live long enough to paint them all? Err don’t think so!
Completed 4 this year. One is on the bench in the final stage, one is basecoated and basecolor. Shading and highlighting is done for the first time. The bases for the most finished has to be done. One figure is on the cleaning and pinning stage.
So if i have time i think i gonna finish 5 figure's this year.
I must say, in the five years that i paint, my critism on my own work has slow me down.

This is going to sound appalling but I have started at or around 100 figures of different scales including flats. I have a completion rate of about 75% Yes guys it's great being retired!!!!
I may not be good but I am prolific.
I envy you guys ...

My only production was 4 conversions 54mm for my Fort StElmo vignette, a converted bust and managed to finish a 70mm Elite Mongol ... eh finally just one mointh ago managed a 1:1 baby!

Ah and I call it a damn busy year for me ... too many figures but just little time left for me!

This is going to sound appalling but I have started at or around 100 figures of different scales including flats. I have a completion rate of about 75% Yes guys it's great being retired!!!!
I may not be good but I am prolific.

you make me dizzy!
still some 25 years to go until that diserved retirement
I have finished about 15 figures this past year. I have about 12 on the shelf above the computor in various stages of completion. About 500 on the shelves to go...:D

My wife asked me......"What are you going to do with all these figures once your "time" comes?

My answer....."Take them with me......buy an extra casket"....:D:D:D
How many?

It must be nearly 30-40 figures with 5 scratch among them!!!This year was very creative, I had great inspiration.Soon I will have photos in my album from all of them.
I have finished about 15 figures this past year. I have about 12 on the shelf above the computor in various stages of completion. About 500 on the shelves to go...:D

My wife asked me......"What are you going to do with all these figures once your "time" comes?

My answer....."Take them with me......buy an extra casket"....:D:D:D

Only one extra casket? :rolleyes:

Janne Nilsson
If I include the dio I am currently working on, I have started about a dozen figures or busts and have finished two busts. My defense, health issues
Started five and finished five but not the same five. One was a start from last year and another is not finished. It is the "last of the Mohicans." May not get it finished this year but early next? Four are 54mm and one was 70mm. No others in production stage as I usually finish one before starting another.
I've completed 3 this year, which is about average for me. The trio comprises of Romeo's Samnite 54mm, PiliPili's Samurai bust and Seil's Greek Hoplite 54mm. I also have a Pegaso Italian Knight 54mm primed and undercoated (actually the armour is finished), a WW2 wedgie which almost ready for priming and my first 54mm conversion of a zouave of the 69th New York State Militia (Irish Brigade) at Bull Run which is about a 1/3 done.

I've checked the math, can I claim 4 pieces for the year??;)
From this thread, I come to one of two possible conclusions :

1. Planeters are a rich bunch, with a massive inheritance such that they don't have to work to complete that many figures.
2. I'm a bloody slow modeller - I completed 1 figure this year.

Looking on the bright side, if i can complete 2 figures next year that would be a 100% increase in output!

This year I finished all my outstanding partially completed figs,created a nice 120mm two figure vignette of Australian whalers,finished a celtic figure at home in his roundhouse,completed a Rorke's Drift figure and a Retreat from Moscow dio,made a start on my Eureka Stockade piece and then I woke up!!
Only to find that due to my innate laziness none of this had actually happened.
Well back to dreaming.
I have completed 4 figures this year and still working on one. So at the end of the year I hope to have finished 5. More than last year.
Well, so far

I have completed...(counts, counts some more, finger counting.....tongue sticks out corner of mouth...hmm, uh...ahh.......) One.

A 30mm MiG Productions cartoon Napoleonic infantry man

My China Lady is nearing completion.
My Centurion figure is at about 25% progress....
I have started mucking around with some sculpey putty to make my first ever figure...

I have in the Mortuary of the half started figure;
DML 1/35 frozen battlefield
King Hobby Elizabeth Royal Fusiliers 120mm
Some games workshop metal figures I use as hack pieces....
A Sherman tank with zimmerit and waiting on schurzen, with 1/48 verlinden tankers in conference

What I am very pleased with is how much progress I have made with painting figures. Combination of being more mature, slightly less impatient, lots of constructive and supportive feedback from here.

So rather then 'beat myself over the head' I feel as though I am progressing nicely.

Quality, not quantity. Anyone can do a lot of figures with shitty results quick.

My 2 brass razoos worth

2008 - zero

2007 - zero

2006 - 1 bust painted.

Totally lost my motivation. I still come by and check stuff out but don't buy the magazines anymore. There's nothing that I desperately want to sculpt or paint and when I pick up a lump of sculpey I produce crap, get frustrated and don't try again for 6 months. I have sculpting/paintng version of writer's block.

Anyone got a motivation pill? :)


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