Pete's forgotten, he does have these which I did in bronze for him: ! !
yes, Franklin's is one of the best sources, there are so many.Hi Daniel,
Many thanks for following my progress on this figure, I am really enjoying this addition. Usually I come up against some kind of mental block and it sits on the shelf for a while until I think of how to get over the smallest of detail. With this great figure it has just flowed very smoothly all of the way.
I am pleased that our research matches up; I used Carl Franklin's revised edition of British Napoleonic Uniforms. I rate this as the best detailed book I have ever seen on this subject.
Keith ,
My goodness what a conversion ....................
........must be a disease that Jimbo has passed on ...legs on a bust ...Arghhhhhhhhhhh!!!
Seriously though what a great job you hav edone , the details are great , love the drum and the gorget , this is going to look great when painted and just shows how versitile busts can be and provide a great starting point for modeling projects
Thanks for sharing and please do share more on the painting as well ...particularly the scarlet coat and how you dealt with the bicorn plume .
I think you did a great job on turning this bust into a full figure. Congrats on that. The drum is another story altogether... at first glance, I thought it was real. It took a close look to see it was a mini. All I can say to that is WOW.
Dying to see some more shots of your paint work... get on it!
Following closely
Good stuff!
You could pose him with the full figure I did, with maybe a head change?
Great work on the drum!