90mm heads


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For what era, or figure. ? ... I too have thought about interchanging 90mm heads, but it generally boils down to 'Kit Bashing'. :eek: ... I am not sure, I can afford to go down that avenue!


Anybody know where I could buy spare 90mm heads?

And for what "90mm" do you mean? 90mm is not a scale and so, you will find that every producer will have their own interpretation of what "90mm" means. You will find that many things that equally call themselves "90mm" are not necessarily compatible......
Some here! ..

I have a spare 90mm roman head, (somewhere) but its of a legionary. with a hood! . s8f48.jpg..but it will need the cheek guards from Hisrorex. s8a12.jpg
Brian, you've highlighted a real gap in the market here. 54mm/pseudo54mm spare heads abound, for example, I've a box full of 'em.
If somebody put out some spare heads in 75mm & above they'd do well. I am sure there may be producers reading this who may have some they felt weren't quite good enough to use on a figure, but could get away with in the context of 'spare heads' even ones minus hair etc. Or even existing kit heads in a pack of 4 or 5? In resin, they'd be easy to convert.

Mike highlights compatibility issues, and that is a very valid point though. Some Post Militaire 90mm is nearer 110mm.
Thanks to all you guys for your info as it's much appreciated ,but I might have to stick to the original head although i'll pin it until I've finished painting him ,which usually will be some time .If anything crops up in the meantime I can always change the heads over.
Steve Reedee does 120mm you could always just title it Biggus Headicus (hats off to Monty Python for the original Biggus lines ;) )

Extract from the list accessories XLS file adresses, uniforms,etc...

Hawken Rifle & Horn 90mm Andrea
Heads / Têtes 90mm All All The Lost Bataillon
Helmet Medieval 90mm Andrea
Hoplite Weapons 90mm Andrea
Horse / Cheval 90mm Eisenbach Lost Battailon Bonaparte
Hussar Carbine and Belt 90mm Napoleonian Andrea
Hussar equipment 90mm Napoleonian Andrea
Hussar pistol 90mm Napoleonian Andrea
Mauser KAR48 90mm WWII German Andrea
Medieval Weapons 90mm Andrea
Skulls / Crânes 90mm All All Andrea
Viking Weapon 90mm Andrea
Weapon MG38 90mm Andrea
Weapons / Armes 90mm Gallic Andrea
Weapons / Armes 90mm ACW US Andrea
Winchester 90mm US Andrea
Zulu Weapons 90mm Andrea
Scales in general are all over the place ,a by-product of so many different sculptors these days a lot of 75s are more like 80s and so on, did we not usual measure to the height of the eyes in a time past ,anyway I' m always glad when the figure is a bit bigger than the scale says :) but that don't help you Brian.

Mitche's modells generally has a box of spare heads at the show's ,think they are miscasts and get sold off for buttons didn't see any Romans though.


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