So I am a professional freelance sculptor from germany. I make my lifing from sculpting since 15 years now . During this years I was not satisfyed with many puttys/clays around. So I have have tried to get into the secrets of modell materials itself. I can tel you its a bit like an achemist in a dungen cellar with candellight... no just kidding. Its a really hard and long process of research and try and error. But finaly I have managed to do a putty like BeeSPutty. Its a ovenbakeable putty like other pvc based puttys on the market but there are some other properties that makes it more easy to sculpt. It comes in 2 different firmnesses, normal and extrafirm. BeeSPutty is waxlike and a little bit sticky so that it will stick direct to your armature and it will stick to itself. You can build up a volume without the effect of turning around a blob of putty without effecting the area you are sculpting on. With BeeSPutty you get a waxlike bakeable sculptingcompound that is pure joy to work with. We are a small (very small) company and our putty has very costintensive ingredience - so we have to take a a little more money for such a premium sculpting product. For me I know that I cant get rich by it . There are 2 things that can happen 1. I have putty for my lifetime or 2. I could reach other sculptors and have something wonderful to share this invention with them...
Any questions left ? just post or drop me a line ...
Some of you have noticed that I have done a T-Rex Bust in BeeSPutty. The Video can be viewed on youtube. I got several pm's if there is a chance to get a cast of this beast. So here it is. If you order a T-Rex Bust until 12.August.2013 24:00 you will get a package of BeeSPutty XF for free on top.