acrylic face - WIP


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Doug, Gallardo and Jaime are very good painters with international prestige. Do not worry. The first time I tried to use the Jaime tecnique I must repaint the entire face again.

Really I think each painter has his own technique. You must try in order to find your technique (the one fits you perfectly).

Yes, I also think the eyes are too big. Perhaps you can also try to avoid the "forward glance" . I usually prefer to put the eyes not in center place but a little shifted. It depend of the position of the figure respect the rest of the people (imagine the position of the people). In this figure perhaps you can also try to put their eyes looking the sky (another possibility)

There are too few people that can add all details to 54 mm figures. In the eyes case I usually try to put a black point and another point into it with the final color. This usually is enough. You can also try to put a little white point in each eye, but I usually can't do it in 54 mm. In order to avoid big eyes try to cut away the eyes in the botton with the flesh color you used. Then apply the rest of light and shadows (this change the final results).

I think you are in a good way; do not pretend to be the best (like Doug, Gallardo, Jaime, etc) in the first attempt. I am trying to do it for several years without no luck. Be yourself, experiment and you will suprise with the final results.

Good Luck,


I hope you understeand my explanation. (sorry for my english)
Hi Cray,

I can't really tell if the eyes are too big per se, but I think I can see that you used white as the eyeball color and the blue for the eye is probably a bit too bright. At 54mm I usually paint the pupil a lighter shade of the base fleshtone, because at that scale you wouldn't see the "whites". Also, for blue eyes I use a more bluish grey rather than blue as it looks too stark.

The other thin to keep in mind is that in general you don't really see much of the "whites" of the eye if you're looking forward. The iris takes up much of the area between the lids. Look in the mirror and you'll see what I mean.

Try those method if you like and let's see how it turns out.

As you said, it's diffilcult to assess the eyes until the rest of the detail is added.

Not too large but the shape can be improved. I don't know if this make sense but there should be more flesh around the eyes. ;)

I agree with Lou on the white being too white. As I do all my faces in oils, I add a bit of humbrol flesh to the tit white.

Take a look at Hardy's recent Viking post for the overall shaping of the whole eye. I think it is very effective. And perhaps, give some idea of how much detail can be added.

Also, I only began to paint reasonable, journeyman level eyes after studying photo's and dwgs of eyes. Seems kinda basic...

Hi, there is avery good article by Luis Gómez Platón in

Click: "Articulos" and then "Articulos de referencia" (Pintura de caras)

And at the same page you can find too: "Pintura de caras, paso a paso" by Jaume Ortiz Fonts

(in spanish, but pictures, I think, are usefull)

I think they can help you

Jaime Gil
Hi Cray
it's a truth the other guys said, the eyes are to white, that makes them bigger, maybe you should make the iris darker and the white also a bit darker with fleshglazing, I think that will optical reduce the dimensions of the eyes
Greeting from the very hot Netherlands were even the oilpaint dries into one hour
Originally posted by Bert Takken@Aug 9 2004, 05:34 PM
Greeting from the very hot Netherlands were even the oilpaint dries into one hour
Bert, here in Salamanca, Spain, the weather is really cold and wet... I'd like to be there.

Greetings from Salamanca

Hey Gray!

Haha ol buddy! You finally posted something, thats great!

I think you have a great start on the face, I would suggest the following (basically same asou have said):

Paint the eye ball with something like a Preussian Blue (maybe even mixed with a tad of black) then dot it with a light blue or white, then use your flesh tone and trim the eye whites down until they look about right.

As for the paint drying up on your brush, then you aren't dilluting it enough, so add some more water/rubbing alcohol to the paint.

Keep working on it and show us your progress!
Originally posted by ColoradoMiniatures@Aug 10 2004, 01:59 AM
(now i know why Bill Horan resculpts all of his eyes!)

I didn't know he did that. I read his book again and again, and he never said he did that.
Can you please explain how he did it and with what he did it.

Greetings Marc.

BTW: i agree with the other guys about the eyes. They are to pop up and they are to blue.
so you got to redifine the eyelids, or you can use like Bert said a wash.

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